Instruction |
Code |
Addition |
add $rd, $rs, $rt |
Subtraction |
sub $rd, $rs, $rt |
Bitwise AND |
and $rd, $rs, $rt |
Bitwise OR |
or $rd, $rs, $rt |
Set on Less Than |
slt $rd, $rs, $rt |
Branch on Equal |
beq $rd, $rs, label |
Load Word |
lw $rt, offset($rs) |
Store Word |
sw $rt, offset($rs) |
C162s is a 16-bit numbers (or hex pattern) interpreted as 2s-complement number.
It will be sign-extended.
C16 is a 16-bit numbers (or hex pattern) interpreted as unsigned number.
It will be bit-extended.
C5 is a 5-bit numbers interpreted as unsigned number.
It will be bit-extended.