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Control Signal

We start with the complete datapath below. Can you identify the control signals? Hint: they are colored blue.

Complete Datapath


Control Signals

There are 8 identifier control signals.

Control Signals

Signal Stage Purpose Values
RegDst Decode Select the destination register number 0: $rt
1: $rd
RegWrite Decode/Writeback Enable writing of register 0: no write
1: write
ALUSrc ALU Select the 2nd operand for ALU 0: $rt
1: immediate
ALUcontrol ALU Select the operation to be performed by the ALU see ALUcontrol table
MemRead Memory Enable reading of data memory 0: no read
1: read1
MemWrite Memory Enable writing of data memory 0: no write
1: write1
MemToReg Writeback Select the result to be written back to register file 0: ALU result
1: memory data2
Branch3 Memory/Writeback Select the next $PC value 0: $PC+4
1: ($PC+4)+(immediate×4)


ALUcontrol Function
0000 and
0001 or
0010 add
0110 sub
0111 slt
1100 nor

Supported Instructions

Before we start, we will need to further restrict the instructions that can be supported so that the processor will be as simple as possible while maintaining full capability of the processor assuming that we have powerful compiler to generate the necessary instructions.

It is actually quite "simple" to create a powerful machine that is Turing complete. All we need are three kinds of instructions:

  1. Sequence: This is automatic as the sequence is top to bottom.
  2. Selection: Can be done using beq.
  3. Selection: Can also be done using beq but jump upwards.

To have practically unlimited memory, we also want to have load/store operations. As such, we will only support the following instructions:


Instruction Code
Addition add $rd, $rs, $rt
Subtraction sub $rd, $rs, $rt
Bitwise AND and $rd, $rs, $rt
Bitwise OR or $rd, $rs, $rt
Set on Less Than slt $rd, $rs, $rt
Branch on Equal beq $rd, $rs, label
Load Word lw $rt, offset($rs)
Store Word sw $rt, offset($rs)

Control Unit

We are now going to generate the control signals. The control signals are generated based on the instruction to be executed. This can be found by looking at the opcode field. But for R-format instructions, we will also need to look at the funct field. This is where fixed-length instructions really shines, these fields are located in a fixed location.

  • opcode: Inst[26:31]
  • funct: Inst[0:5]


One way to look at this is to see what are the control signals we need for each instruction. For R-format instructions, we can see that we will need the following values for the control signals:

Signal Value Reason
RegDst 1 Destination register is $rd (Inst[11:15])
RegWrite 1 We need to write into the register
ALUSrc 0 2nd ALU operands comes from Register File
ALUcontrol depend Depends on the actual operation to be performed by ALU
MemRead 0 No need to read from meory
MemWrite 0 No ened to write into memory
MemToReg 0 Select from ALU result to be written back (remember, multiplexer is flipped)
Branch 0 No need to branch, next value of $PC is $PC + 4


Another way to look at this is to see what is the value of a particular control signal given all supported instructions. For the MemToReg control signals (remember, this is flipped), we can see that we will need to the following values:

Instruction Value Reason
R-Format 0 Choose from ALU result
lw 1 Choose from data read from memory
sw X Does not matter, can be any value
beq X Does not matter, can be any value

So how are we going to generate these signals? We will try to imagine having a control unit. We will take note of the instruction subset to be implemented as well as the opcode and funct. By observing each of the signal, we can create a "truth table". Lastly, we will design the control unit using logic gates. There are certain techniques and/or tricks that are going to be covered in more details in the second half of the semester. So, for now, we will simply note that many of the logic gates can be abstracted as a function.

Control Unit



Mux 01

  • False (0): Write Register = Inst[20:16]
  • True (1): Write Register = Inst[15:11]


  • False (0): No register write
  • True (1): New value will be written


  • False (0): ALUop2 = Read Data 2
  • True (1): ALUop2 = sign_extend(Inst[15:0])


  • False (0): Not performing memory read access
  • True (1): Read memory using ALU result as Address


  • False (0): Not performing memory write operation
  • True (1): Write to memory at Address (from ALU result) with data from Read Data 2


Mux 10

  • True (1): Register Write Data = Memory Read Data
  • False (0): Register Write Data = ALU result


Mux 01

  • False (0): $PC' = $PC+4
  • True (1): $PC' = ($PC+4)+(immediate×4)

Wait, but PCSrc depends on the result of comparison from isZero?.


Mux 01

  • False (0): The operation is not a branch operation
  • True (1): The operation is a branch operation (i.e., beq)

PCSrc = Branch & isZero?

Now we are left only with the ALUcontrol signal.

  1. We cannot have MemRead and MemWrite both to have a value of 1. Therefore, there are only 3 possible values for the combination of MemRead and MemWrite: 00, 01 and 10

  2. If you notice, the multiplexer is flipped! Control value 0 choose from the bottom while control value 1 choose from the top input line. 

  3. This is sometime written as PCSrc. But note that PCSrc is often refer to Branch & isZero? instead.