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Course Info...


 Term Tests


AY2024/25 Semester 1
Course Information - Policies

Correspondence and Communication Channels

Information is disseminated to you through this course website and the Canvas. Announcements are made on the Canvas. It is your responsibility to check them out regularly; failure in doing so cannot be used as an excuse.

Please use emails only for private matters. For queries on the course, we prefer that you post them on the Canvas discussion forums. When you do send us emails, please use only your OFFICIAL e-mail address (@comp.nus.edu.sg or @u.nus.edu). If you send us any email from a non-official account, we will only reply if you include your official email address in your message. This is necessary for us to ascertain your identity.

We reserve the right to publish our answers to your email queries on the Canvas forums if we feel that they are of interest to the class.

Likewise, if we do send out emails, we will send them to your official e-mail address. If you have set a forwarding service to your own ISP mailbox or other external mail server, you must ensure that the mail server in use is reliable, otherwise emails from us may not reach you on time or even at all. We will refrain from sending out mass emails unless the matter is of grave urgency.

Notes and Handouts

To reduce wastage of papers, all course materials are available for download either on this course website or Canvas.

Missing the Mid-term Test

Weightage of a CA component is not allowed to be transfered to the examination.

If you miss the mid-term test with valid reason, you can sit for a make-up test. Please submit document (such as a medical certificate) of proof to your lecturer as soon as it is available, or no later than 24 hours after the assessment, after which it is deemed that you forfeit your make-up assessment.

Late Submission of Assignments

Submission deadline of assignments must be strictly adhered to and late submission without valid reason will not be accepted.

Invalid reasons include "I forgot the deadline", "I tried to submit my lab five minutes before the deadline but the system was too slow", "my clock and the school's clock were not synchronised". You are informed of the deadline well ahead of time, and you should not submit your work in the last minute.


We permit and encourage healthy discussion among students. However, you must draw the line between discussion and plagiarism (copying of other's work or taking credit for a piece of work that is not original).

The university does not condone plagiarism. If detected, both the party who copied and the party who had permitted the copying will be penalised equally.

Please refer to Plagiarism site for more information.
These seemingly 'harsh' policies and rules are to be seen in the right light. In a small class, we do not need to spell these out explicitly as we can easily monitor the situation. However, for a big class like CS1231S, we need these policies to maintain uniformity and fairness as much as we can, and to ensure the smooth running of the course. If everybody cooperates, your lecturers and tutors will be relieved of the unnecessary administrative tasks and hence can devote more quality time on you.

However, this is not a one-way traffic. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Just drop us an email or pop by our offices for a chat.
Last updated: 4 June 2024