CS3233 Competitive Programming
Course Information
Instructor: Andrew Lim (S16 #08-05, 874-6891, alim)
Lab Assistants:
Fu Zhao Hui (fuzhaohu)
Andy Kurnia (andykurn)
Course Web: www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs3233
When and Where (Tentative)
Lecture: Saturday 0900 - 1100 hrs in S16 2-02 (Tutorial Room 2)
Labs/Tutorial: Saturday 1100 - 1300 hrs
Exam: There will be no exam.
Below are some recommendations:
Introduction to Algorithms.
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L.Rivest.
The MIT Press / McGraw-Hill, 1990.
The Practice of Programming
Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike. Addison-Wesley, 1999.
The Algorithm Design Manual.
Steven S. Skiena. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Robert Sedgewick. Addison-Wesley. Many versions.
- To prepare students in competitive problem solving in computing -- covering techniques for attacking, solving, and writing computer programs for challenging computational problems.
- To prepare students for research work in experimental aspects of problem solving and algorithms.
Target Students:
- Interested in problem solving
- Interested in programming and experimentation
- Interested in advanced development work and data structures and algorithms
Pre-requisites: CS1102 or experience in NOI/IOI related activities
How does CS3233 differ from CS3230 or CS6204?
- Hand-on
- Broader Scope
- Lesser Theoretical Stuff
- Much more hands-on programming
- More sweat and fun
How does CS3233 differ from the rest of the courses in SoC?
- 40% is enough to get a good grade (B+ or higher)
- A prize for the top-student
- Chance to represent National University of Singapore in the Annual ACM International Inter-collegiate Programming Contest.
- Free trip to Kyoto, Japan, December 1-4, 1999 and Orlando, USA, March 15-19 + allowances
- Possible Prize Money from the contests.
Grading (Tentative)*
Programming Tests [PT]
Weekly Short Programming Tests (1-2 hrs) and
2 Long Programming Contests (3-5 hrs) |
50 points |
Graded Homework [GH]
(Written and Programming Assignments) |
50 points |
Score = PT*GH |
2500 points |
- Online Judge Practice Questions
Each Question is worth K points. If a question is solved by X students, each student will get K/X points. K is the number of students in the course
- Grand Challenge Questions
Each is worth between 300 to 1000 points.
Details will be provided later.
- Data Structures and Sorting
- Greedy Method
- Divide and Conquer
- Dynamic Programming
- Backtracking
- Branch and Bound
- Graph Algorithms
- Heuristic Methods
- NP-Completeness - Recognizing that a problem is NP-Complete
- Number Theoretic Problems
- Combinatorial Problems
- Graph Problems
- Geometry Problems
- Set and String problems
A subset of this course is taken by our International Olympiad in
Informatics XI representatives. See here for