CS3233 in Semester 2 2001/02
- Local judge
- Spanish judge
- Programming test 6: 20 April 2002, 10am-1pm (on local judge);
students to meet in TR3 at 9:45am
- Programming test 5: 13 April 2002, 10am-1pm (on local judge)
- Extra bonus points: 2 points for each of questions 20 to 34
(on local judge).
- 1 bonus point for stevenha for completing programming test 4
- Programming test 4: 6 April 2002, 12nn-1pm (on local judge)
- 1 bonus point for wuyongzh for completing programming test 3
- Programming test 3: 30 March 2002, 12nn-12:45pm (on local judge)
(previously 12nn-1pm)
- Lecture notes on Branch and Bound,
Backtracking, and NP
- Homework 3 (deadline 16 March 2002 2359hrs): 10072 315 670 753
(on Spanish judge)
- Lectures will be held at TR3 (S16 level 3).
- Get 30 bonus points
- 16 February 2002, 2pm to 6pm (on Spanish judge)
- 3 bonus points for chewbakt stevenha zhangkai for finishing 13th
- 2-3 March 2002, 3pm to 3am (on Spanish judge)
- 1 bonus point for chewbakt stevenha zhangkai for finishing 23rd
- 11-12 March 2002, 7pm to 5am (on Spanish judge)
- 4 bonus points for daibingt fengchun wuyongzh zhangkai for finishing 10th (ceil(¾ × 5) = 4)
Note: you can have different teams for different contests.
Just create new accounts.
- 1 bonus point for ariyarat zhangkai zhengzhi for being top three in
programming test 2
- 1 bonus point for zhangkai for topping the programming test 2 scoreboard
at the 60th minute
- Programming test 2: 16 February 2002, 12:15pm-1:45pm (on local judge)
(previously 12:15pm-1:15pm)
- Lecture 4 scribbles: scanf/printf, judge misuse, etc. (html/gif)
- Lecture 4-5 notes: Graph (ps)
- 1 bonus point for chewbakt jimmobar lowchinh wuyongzh zhangkai for trivia
- 1 bonus point for zhangkai for completing programming test 1
- Programming test 1: 2 February 2002, 12:30pm-1:30pm (p14 on local judge)
- Homework 2 (ps): Due 9 February 2002, 9:55am
[Little Shop of Flowers (ps,
- Lecture 3 notes: Dynamic Programming (ps)
- 1 bonus point for daibingt zhangkai for tiling problem
- 1 bonus point for ariyarat daibingt wuyongzh for missing number problem
- Homework 1 (lecture 1 notes, page 7): Due 19 January 2002, 10am
- Lecture 2 notes: Divide and Conquer (ps)
- Lecture 1 notes: Introduction (ps)