CS3233: Competitive Programming
(Spring 2004)
General Information
- Course: CS3233: Competitive Programming
- Prerequisites: A- in CS1102 or permission of instructor
- Students from different years are all welcome.
- Students who like programming and problem solving are very welcome.
- Instructor:
Leong Hon Wai
--- (Email:
- Office: Block S16, Room 05-05
- Consultation Hour: By appointment
- Assistant(s):
-- maybe
- Lectures/Discussion: -- Sat, 2-5pm TR9 (SOC1-06-15)
- Lab/Tests: Computation Lab 1 (SOC1-06-16)
- Final Exam: NONE! -- Best part of course ;-)
Useful Books:
- There will be 13 problem sets for the semester, one per week.
- Each problem set is due five days after being assigned (usually).
- Each problem set will consist of 3-4 programming problems.
- The goal is to maximize the number of problems solved correctly
(according to the robot judge). Note that the "Spanish Judge" do not
give partial credit.
- Start EARLY on each problem set.
- You should not plan on trying to "catch up" on old problems
in subsequent weeks.
The contests will be done in the lab (Computation Lab 1) and can
be 1 or 2 hours. We shall use our Local Online Judge for this purpose.
In Week 10 (13-March), we will use the NOI (National Olympiad
in Informations) competition as one of our contests.
It will be done between 9am -- 1pm (instead of the regular time.)
The last contest will be held during Week 13.
Each student is expected to give presentations on solving a problem
that they have correctly solved. The presentations should not just
focus on the final code, but on the ideas behind the solution,
the approach, and data structures used, and why they are used.
They should also include (where possible) approaches that
do NOT work. It is also good to include some code segments (where
appropriate) to illustrate good short-cuts or creative programming
techniques used in the solution.
CS3233 Course Info