Background Information Sheet
CS3233: Competitive Programming
Background Information Sheet
I am collecting information on your relevant background
as well as your own goals/objectives in taking the course.
I will use these info to help me steer the direction of the course,
Your input will be helpful in letting me set the pace
of the course.
These information will be kept confidential and
will NOT affect your grades in any way.
Name:________________________________ |
How your friends call you:_____________________ |
Matric No:____________ |
Major:____________________ |
NUS-email:______________________ |
Spanish Judge ID:____________________ |
Prior Participation in Programming Competitions:
(Please tell me your past experiences with programming comptetiions.
Please give dates, places, etc.)
Past Relevant Training in Programming Competitions:
(Please tell me about any relevant training for prog competitions
that you have undergone before.
Please give dates, places, etc.)
Things I hope to achieve by taking this course:
(Please rank them starting from 1 (most important)...)
Any other Comments for Instructor:
(Please feel free to add your comments here.)
Background Info Sheet; Jan 2004