CS3283 Lab Exercise one Understanding Swing


(Deadline : Feb 10, 12 noon, Submission Venue : Vincent's off. at S17.4.20)


Getting started


1. Download the required file (SwingAssignment1.java)


2. Compile it ( javac SwingAssignment1.java) and run it (java SwingAssignment1)


      This is the sample program that will be used in this assignment.

When you click the choose button, it brings down a menu that has 3 options Buttons, Text Field and Quit. Currently, these menu option do nothing except for the last option which exits from the application.


Lab Exercise 1 (4% of C.A.)


Note that this is a bring-home lab. exercise in which you will be given

about 1 week to do it. For the submission, you will have to put

a CLEAR program listing together with a floppy disk saving all the

concerned files into a folder labelled with your FULL name and matric no. No late submission will be accepted !


Basic Requirement (3.5%)


      This assignment involves doing the following modification to the above program.


1. When the option Button from the choose menu is clicked display various buttons       (like  Radio Button, Check Box). Display at least 3 different types of buttons. (1.5%)


2. When the option Text Field from the choose menu is clicked display various text field, lists and boxes (like label, text area editor pane, combo box).      Display at least 6 different types. (2%)


Advanced Requirement (0.5%)     


      In this part of the assignment add your own functions and use your creativity to do it.

      Marks will be given according to how creative and complex your functions are.