School of Computing

CS3283 : GUI Programming – Quiz on GUI Basics & Swing (6%)

(Semester II, 2001)




This quiz, as a warm-up exercise to your mid-term, consists of 12 multiple-choice questions printed on 4 pages. The questions are NOT ordered in increasing order of difficulty NOR sequential order of topics covered. You have to submit your clearly written answers printed on these question sheets ONLY. Make sure you fill in your full name and matric. no. before submission.

  Full Name : ______________________________________________

              Matriculation Number : ______________________________________________


                              Total Marks : =  ____________



(1)   For JFC Swing library, lightweight components depend on the local windowing toolkit.


(a)               true

(b)               false

(c)                difficult to conclude, depending on your windowing environment and the set of toolkit used

(d)              none of the above


ans : _______b______________


(2)   Why is the JFC Swing more accurately described as a model-delegate architecture?

(a)               Accessor methods in container classes let you                                  manipulate the model (data).

(b)               The user interface is completely separate from the controller.

(c)                The Project Swing data model is delegated to an                                  underlying servlet.

(d)              The controller part of a Project Swing interface, often                                   the mouse and keyboard events the component                                   responds to, is combined with the physical view in one                                  user interface delegate object.

(e)               none of the above


ans : _________d____________


(3)   Which of the following is/are correct observation(s) about the event handling mechanism used in JFC Swing ?


(a)               JFC Swing always produces frozen GUI due to inefficient event handling mechanism;

(b)               JFC Swing’s event handling capability is often degraded by the newly introduced look-n-feel technology;

(c)                JFC Swing’s event handling capability is close to the event-loop mechanism used in conventional event-driven programming;

(d)              JFC Swing’s event handling capability is similar to the callback mechanism used in event-driven programming;

(e)               JFC Swing’s event handling efficiency is much improved with the newly introduced multi-casting technology;


ans : __________d___________


(4)   JApplet, JDialog, JFrame, and JWindow are examples of heavyweight components. Is this statement valid ?

(a)               valid

(b)               invalid

(c)                hard to tell – depends on the windows environment

(d)              none of the above

(e)               none of the above


ans : _________a____________



(5)   Which of the following is/are not user events ?

(a)               Mouse clicks

(b)               Clock ticks

(c)                Window got focused

(d)              System interrupt

(e)               Window resized


ans : _________b, d__________


(6)         Which of the following should not be our original intention(s) to

 make GUI easy-to-use ?

(a)               Reducing the training cost

(b)               Replacing all the printed user manuals completely

(c)                Increasing job efficiency

(d)              Increasing job satisfaction

(e)               Reducing the dependence on humans


ans : _____b,e______________


(7)   Which of the following way(s) is/are being used to register an event listener to attend to a event source ?

(a)               uses setEventTypeListener() for the event listener

(b)               uses addEventListener() to register with the source

(c)                uses setEventListener() for the event listener

(d)              uses addEventTypeListener() to register with the source

(e)               none of the above


ans : ______a,d____________


(8)   Under the Model-View-Controller design pattern of JFC/Swing, you can define a TableModel object as the Model. Then, which of the following is/are correct observations related to this TableModel object?

(a)               Users are free to define multiple Views (JTable) to monitor the same TableModel object;

(b)               The TableModel object can only notify one View of its change;

(c)                It is the responsibility of each View (JTable) to prompt the TableModel object for its latest change/update;

(d)              Users can only define ONE View for Each TableModel object;

(e)               None of the above


ans : ___________a__________


(9)   The major factor which often attributes to the slow performance of Swing components is ?

(a)               Most Swing components take up lots of computational resources at runtime

(b)               Most Swing components are ad-hocly designed, thus not suitable for large-scale software development

(c)                Users are not using Swing components properly

(d)              Users are always too demanding and require very complicated GUI components to be used together

(e)               None of the above


ans : _________c____________


(10)           In general, Swing has two kinds of classes. What are they ?

(a)               Event and model classes

(b)               AWT and Swing classes

(c)                Text and Button classes

(d)              UI and non-UI classes


ans : ______d_______________


(11)           Which Swing component lets you draw hierarchical data?

(a)               JApplet

(b)               JTree

(c)                JList

(d)              JFileChooser


ans : __________b___________


(12)           Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about Swing components?

(a)               When a lightweight and heavyweight component overlap, the                                  lightweight component is always on top.

(b)                A lightweight component can have transparent pixels, and a                                heavyweight component is always opaque.

(c)                A lightweight component can only be rectangular.

(d)              A mouse event on a heavyweight component falls through to                                  its parent.

ans : __________b___________


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