CS3283 - GUI programming
NOTE1! The results for the first assignment (out of 10) are here. Please CHECK your results.
NOTE2! The results for the second assignment (out of 10) are here. Please CHECK your results.
NOTE3! The results for the third assignment (out of 100) are here. Please CHECK your results.
NOTE3! The results for the fourth assignment (out of 100) are here. Please CHECK your results.
NOTE4! The results for the MCQ test held on March 11th are here. Please CHECK your results.
Mr. Hugh Anderson
E-mail : hugh@comp.nus.edu.sg
Office : S16 - #08-03.
Consultation hours: TBA
Mr. Anthony Chico
E-mail : anthonyk@comp.nus.edu.sg
Office : S17 - #03-20.
Consultation hours: Weds 2:00-4:00
LT34 Mondays, 13:00-14:00
Text Book:
There is no textbook for this course, but during the course, Hugh may suggest you read sections of certain books. Relevant notes and handouts will be available from the COOP.
Exam(50%), Assignments(35%), Tut(5%), Tests(10%)
Lecture notes:
You should read the notes for the lectures before attending the lecture!You may also be interested in lecture notes from previous cs3283 courses, copies of which are placed here.Section 1: GUI concepts - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes, and the first assignment.
Section 2: Design - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes, and the second assignment.
Section 3: First steps in GUI programming - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes.
Section 4: Scripting language - Tcl/Tk
- Lecture 4: - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes.
- Lecture 5: - We will be continuing with module 4, on Tcl/Tk, but I have some extra notes, and the tutorial questions and the next assignment found here in postscript, and here in PDF. In addition, Robert Biddle's paper on Tcl/Tk is available here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Section 5: Java/Swing
- Lecture 6: - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes.
- Lecture 7: - We will be continuing with module 5, on Java, here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Section 6: Web interfaces
- Lecture 8: - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain the last assignment.
- Lecture 9: - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Section 7: First steps in Visualization - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes.
Section 8: MFC and Case study - Summarized notes for the lecture material are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. These notes also contain questions relevant to the notes.
The weekly lecture notes are also available from the COOP - and they will always be up-to-date. If you wish, you may read ahead here. Be warned though that we may deviate from this 'proposed' set of notes.
The tutorial sessions begin in the third week.Tutorial 1: Week #3, Jan 23. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Tutorial 2: Week #4, Jan 30. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Tutorial 3: Week #5, Feb 6. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Mid semester break
Tutorial 4: Week #7, Feb 20. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Tutorial 5: Week #9, Mar 6. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Questions on the MCQ
Tutorial 6: Week #12, Mar 27. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Tutorial 7: Week #13, April 3. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.
Tutorial 8: Week #14, April 10. - The questions to be considered are found here in postscript, and here in PDF. Sample answers are found here in postscript, and here in PDF.