CS5206 -- Foundations in Algorithms
School of Computing, National University of Singapore
(Fall Sememster 2010)
Course Announcements
This page contains important announcements about the course.
It will be continuously updated.
Make sure you check out this page OFTEN.
- 29-Nov-2010 --- Final Exam, Nov 30 (Tue), 1:00--3:00pm, SR2
See all of you and all the best of you in the Finals.
- 25-Nov-2010 --- Good luck in Final Exam!
- 25-Nov-2010 --- Solution sketches for S-Problems HW1-3
Some of you asked for it, so I put it out in the HW page
Direct link here.
You can also collect HW3 and LEDA reports from outside my office
from tomorrow morning.
- 14-Nov-2010 --- Project Meeting Schedule out
Please see Project Schedule --
See all teams on Tuesday or Thursday.
- 11-Nov-2010 --- HW4
HW4 is out. No need to turn in anything.
But there are practice problems for you to try.
- 10-Nov-2010 --- Topics covered in Final Exams & Project Meeting
Read this -- Topics Covered in Final (ppt) -- NEW!
Also contained in there is info on Project Meeting next week.
- 02-Nov-2010 --- Wk 12, 13 Notes are online, HW4 is late, out tomorrow!
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 12 and 13.
HW4 is late coming out...
- 18-Oct-2010 --- Wk 10, 11 Notes, Mid-Term Mark distribution are online
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 10 and 11.
I have also upload distribution of Mid-Term marks.
Reminder: Discuss Mid-Term tonight.
Updated Course Schedule...
- 12-Oct-2010 --- Wk 9 Notes, tonight discuss Mid-Term
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 9.
Reminder: Discuss Mid-Term tonight.
- 08-Oct-2010 --- DNSRA M1 and M2 deadlines
M1 and M2 deadlines extended. Check course homepage...
- 05-Oct-2010 --- Wk 8 Notes, DNSRA Project-Team Info online
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 8.
Project Team info also online now.
- 28-Sep-2010 --- Wk 7 Notes, DNSRA Project Info
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 7.
Course Project Web-site is UP.
- 28-Sep-2010 --- Mid-Term in SR1 & Info on Makeup-for-Mid-Term
Mid-Term Exam is THIS FRIDAY, 7:00--9:00pm in SR1
Makeup Exam (ONLY FOR THOSE IN THE LIST) is SATURDAY, 10:00am-12:00nn, SR2
- 14-Sep-2010 --- HW1 discussion tonight (after lectures!)
As agreed (last week), HW1 discussion will be held tonight (after lectures).
- 13-Sep-2010 --- About Week 6 notes, LEDA, Mid-Term Exam
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 6.
LEDA assignment is due on WEDNESDAY, 15-Sept at 23:59 local time.
Mid-Term Exam is FRIDAY, 01-Oct, 7-9pm. Those with schedule conflict
- 09-Sep-2010 --- HW3 is online. Check HW1 scores online
HW3 is online.
Please also check online that your HW1 scores are correctly recorded.
- 09-Sep-2010 --- Collect graded HW1.
Collect your graded HW1 from the bench outside my office.
They are in 3 envelopes (sorted by names) -- try not to mess up the order.
Check your CA score that is recorded.
- 06-Sep-2010 --- Week 5 notes online.
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 5.
- 30-Aug-2010 --- Week 4 notes & LEDA assignment are online
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 4.
LEDA assignment is also online.
- 25-Aug-2010 --- The CS5206 Drop-Box!
I have put a CS5206 Drop-Box on the bench outside my office.
In the future, please drop your HW off at this drop-box.
- 23-Aug-2010 --- HW2 is online! (due 07-Sep)
HW2 is online! As always, please read the questions NOW!
(Even if you don't plan to solve them now.)
- 22-Aug-2010 --- HW1 due on Tuesday, 24-Aug
Please turn in a hard copy of your HW1 answers.
- 22-Aug-2010 --- Lecture notes for Week 3 are online
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 3.
- 16-Aug-2010 --- Lecture notes for Week 2 online
I have uploaded lecture notes for Week 2.
- 03-Aug-2010 --- No lecture in Week 0
There's no lecture today as this is Week 0.
Please read the Course Overview slides for details of the course.
- 03-Aug-2010 --- CS5206 web-site set up!
The web-page is still being set up -- do check back again.
This is 3rd time this course is run. The first time was Fall 2008.
You may want to see info from that semester
CS5206 Announcement Page
CS5206 Home Page