======================================== CS5206 Project Grading Sheet (Fall 2011) ======================================== Project Team: T____ Team Member: ________________________________________________ Team Member: ________________________________________________ 0. Correct Filenames :: 2 points _________/ 2 -------------------------------------- A. Preliminaries :: 5 points -------------------------------------- * PS & Review 5 _________/ 5 problem statement and review of relevant methods B. Your Solution :: 25 points -------------------------------------- * Algorithm and DS 15 _________/ 15 description of your algorithm and the major data structures, if relevant * Innovation of Your Method 5 _________/ 5 what is new/different * Alg Complexity Analysis 5 _________/ 5 C. Your Program/Results :: 30 points -------------------------------------- * Your implemented program 10 _________/ 10 including README.txt on how to run the program, parameters, etc * Tabulation of Your Results 5 _________/ 5 includes tables/graphs/info/etc * Quality of Your Results 10 _________/ 10 baseline: how well your method worked * Challenge Site 5 _________/ 5 quality viz-a-viz Challenge site D. Indept Observations :: 10 points -------------------------------------- * Observations and Conclusions 10 _________/ 10 supported by data, results, etc * Future Enhancement 5 _________/ 5 -------------------- TOTAL: 70 points _________/ 70 --------------------