TVSection Member List

This is the complete list of members for TVSection, including all inherited members.

Add(const TVVessel &aVessel)TVSection
CanAccommodate(const TVVessel &aVessel) const TVSection
compare(const TVSection &aS1, const TVSection &aS2)TVSection [friend]
ID() const TVSection
Length() const TVSection
operator<<(ostream &anOS, const TVSection &aSection)TVSection [friend]
operator=(const TVSection &aSection)TVSection
operator>>(istream &anIS, TVSection &aSection)TVSection [friend]
Print(const int &aWidth=1, const int &aDetail=0) const TVSection
Remove(const TVVessel &aVessel)TVSection
TVSection(int anID, int aMaxTimeZone, int aLength)TVSection
TVSection(const TVSection &aSection)TVSection
Vessels() const TVSection

Generated on Tue Sep 9 15:40:11 2008 for BAP by  doxygen 1.5.3