
Project: SECAN-LAB
Project: Mesh Sequencer

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Trust (Norton Deutsch)


Psychology-based definition of trust:

  • If an individual is confronted with an ambiguous path, a path that can lead to an event perceived to be beneficial (Va+) or to an event perceived to be harmful ( Va-);
  • He perceives that the occurrence of Va+ or Va- is contingent on the behavior of another person; and
  • He perceives that strength of Va- to be greater than that strength of Va+.
If he chooses to take an ambiguous path with such properties, I shall say he makes a trusting choice; if he chooses not to take the path, he makes a distrustful choice.
  • Depending on individuals
  • Uncertainty + optimism
  • Linked to (harmfulness < benefit). But: where is the the significance of trust then
Another later definition from 'The Resolution of the Conflict' (1973):
Trust is confidence that one will find what is desired from another rather than what is feared.
  • hope in trust

"Trust (Norton Deutsch)" is mentioned on: Trust (Major Contributors)

(C) 2004-2006 University of Luxembourg, SECAN-Lab

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