CS2103 - Software engineering
CS3281&2 - Thematic Systems Project I & II
TIC2002 - Intro to Software Engineering
TIC4001&2 - Software Engineering Practicum I & II
TE3201 - Software engineering
CS2113 - Software engineering and OOP
FMC1202 - The wonderfully weird world of software
CS1281 - C++ to Java
GEM1909 - Technology and Human Progress
CS3215 - Software engineering project (2006-2009)
CP3108B (Mozilla) - Academic advisor (2008-2010)
CS4217 - Software Development Technologies (current)
NUS NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Honor Roll - Since AY12/13:
NUS Annual
Teaching Excellence Award AY11/12:
Faculty Teaching Honor Roll - Since AY12/13:
Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY11/12:
NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award AY10/11:
SoC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY10/11:
NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award AY09/10:
SoC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY09/10: