Tutorial 1
Graph Mining Approaches: From Main Memory to Map/Reduce
Practitioners and professionals requiring up-to-date information on latest trends in newer forms of
mining paradigms and how to apply these techniques for various applications, such as dealing with
very large graph sizes, partitioning techniques, graph query answering etc. will benefit from this
tutorial. The presenter has been working for over a decade on graph mining, scalability issues of
graph mining, and its applications. Although graph mining itself has been around for a long while,
it has come to the forefront due to its ability to make a difference in such domains as fraud
monitoring and more recently analyzing very large social networks. Conventional mining techniques
do not lend themselves to some of these applications as they cannot represent inherent structural
relationships and exploit them during mining. We will present several graph mining approaches that
have been proposed in the literature and new ones that are being developed. Practitioners will
benefit from the practical nature of the topics and find the solutions presented applicable to
problems they have encountered. Researchers will benefit from the issues that need to be addressed
in one of the hot areas currently being revolutionized by increasing amounts of information
available using large computing farms.