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COOL is a cohort OLAP system specialized for cohort analysis with extremely low latency.



COOL is a very efficient and effective OLAP engine for conducting cohort and OLAP analysis for time series data.


Easy to Use

Easily deploy a web app to utilize COOL on local or on cloud via docker.

Near Real-time Responses

Process cohort queries in near real-time analytical responses.

Specialized Storage Layout

A specialized storage layout optimized for fast query processing and reduced space consumption.

Self-designed Semantics

Self-designed semantics for the cohort query, which can simplify its complexity and improve its functionality.

Flexible Integration

Flexible integration with other data systems via common data formats(e.g., CSV, Parquet, Avro, and Arrow).

Artificial Intelligence Model

Utilize COOL's cohort results and findings to facilitate building artificial intelligence models.


We can use COOL in many applications, such as Healthcare, Finance, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Analytics, Fraud Detection, and Anomaly Analysis, etc.


Cohort Analysis

Cohort analysis is a method of analyzing metrics across different groups (i.e., cohorts), which share common characteristics on the accumulated data.

These characteristics play a critical role in user profiling and the decision-making process in data-driven organizations.


Drug Effect Analysis

A usage of cohort analysis in healthcare analytics can be side-effect evaluation of a tested drug in clinical trials, where the clinicians need to distinguish the effectiveness of new medicines (e.g., Medicine A) on a certain feature (e.g., Labtest A) among different patient groups.


Retention Analysis

A usage of cohort analysis in finance analytics can be retention analysis that is to analyze users' actions to understand how and when customers churn.

Analyzing the retention rate is critical to learning how to maintain profitable customers and new user acquisition rates.

Technical Design of our COOL system



Using COOL to conduct cohort analysis on healthcare

Here is the latest video illustrating a general example of how to conduct cohort analysis in healthcare. In this example, we measure the effect of a certain medical drug on patients of different age groups.

Feel free try out our Online website application of COOL by clicking "Try Our Demo".

Try Our Demo

Install COOL

# Install COOL
git clone