Frank Stephan's Home Page

Frank Stephan is a professor at the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science of the National University of Singapore.

Frank Stephan's addresses are:

  (1) Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore
      Block S17, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119076
      Primary office is S17#07-04, Telephone +65-6516-2759

  (2) School of Computing, National University of Singpore
      Block COM2, 13 Computing Drive, Singapore 117417
      Secondary office is COM2#03-11, Telephone +65-6516-4246

The email address is

Maps and explanations

Please enlarge the maps at the below links twice by clicking onto the "+" in the map.
The Department of Mathematics is located at 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road and the building is known as "S17" and has formerly been known as "SoC1". The office S17#07-04 is room 04 on level 07. The telephone in the office has the number 65162759. It can be reached from Kent Ridge MRT by walk or bus 95.
The building COM2 is the second building of the School of Computing. The office COM2#03-11 is room 11 on level 03. The telephone in the office has the number 65164246. It can be reached from Kent Ridge MRT by bus 95 (Bus Stop Central Library) or from Haw Par Villa MRT by bus 10, 30, 51, 188 (Bus Stop Opp Heng Mui Keng Terrace) and walk afterwards; direct walk from MRT stations is about 30 minutes.
Frank Stephan's schedule for Semester I AY 2024/2025 is as follows;
some more meetings are planned, but not yet put onto the internet:

    Monday    16:00-17:00  Office Hour                  COM2#03-11
    Monday    18:30-21:30  CS5230 Complexity Lec & Tut  SR@LT19
    Tuesday   13:00-14:00  Meeting                      COM2#03-11
    Wednesday 14:00-15:00  Meeting                      S17#07-04
    Wednesday 15:00-16:30  Meeting                      S17#07-04
    Wednesday 17:00-18:00  Logic Seminar                S17#04-04
    Thursday  15:00-16:30  Meeting                      S17#07-04
    Friday    13:00-14:00  Meeting                      COM2#03-11
    Friday    15:00-16:00  Meeting                      Zoom
    Friday    16:00-17:00  Meeting                      Zoom


Research Interests

Scientific Publications

Membership of the following scientific Organizations

Research Links

Frank's Characters
If you do not remember the URL, search for >> Frank Stephan Singapore << in Google to find this webpage.