Frank Stephan's addresses are: (1) Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore Block S17, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119076 Primary office is S17#07-04, Telephone +65-6516-2759 (2) School of Computing, National University of Singpore Block COM2, 13 Computing Drive, Singapore 117417 Secondary office is COM2#03-11, Telephone +65-6516-4246 The email address is |
Frank Stephan's schedule for Semester I AY 2024/2025 is as follows; some more meetings are planned, but not yet put onto the internet: Monday 16:00-17:00 Office Hour COM2#03-11 Monday 18:30-21:30 CS5230 Complexity Lec & Tut SR@LT19 Tuesday 13:00-14:00 Meeting COM2#03-11 Wednesday 16:00-17:00 Meeting S17#07-04 Wednesday 17:00-18:00 Logic Seminar Place TBA Friday 15:00-16:00 Meeting Zoom Friday 16:00-17:00 Meeting Zoom