Logic Seminar in Semester II AY 2020/2021
Talks are Wednesday afternoon from 17:00 to 18:00 hrs via Zoom.
The Zoom Code is 968 6020 1432; the Zoom Password is a famous
question, still unresolved, originating from the work of
Levin and Cook. It has 8 characters.
- Wednesday 13/01/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 1,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Logic Day Special.
Insights into Participant's Logic Research.
This week's Logic Seminar on Wed 13 January 2021 at 17:00 hrs is an
open session where, in light of the World Logic Day on Thursday, everyone
is encouraged to give a 5 to 10 minutes presentation about his favourate
result or results of his own work.
PS: In this session, several speakers from the audience and the
organisors shared important or recent results. Two of them
gave their slides for the public:
Andre Nies;
Frank Stephan.
- Wednesday 20/01/2021, 16:00 hrs, Week 2,
Brian Rabern. Against Fregian Quantification.
Talk given at FASS moderated by Ben Blumson, NUS. Please see
at FASS for further informations; the Logic seminar itself has
no speaker and the organisors believe that this talk about quantification
in mathematics by Frege and Tarski will meet the general interest of
- Wednesday 27/01/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 3,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
No Seminar.
- Wednesday 03/02/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 4,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Wong Tin Lok.
Arithmetic under negated induction.
Arithmetic generally does not admit any non-trivial quantifier
elimination. I will talk about one exception, where the negation of
an induction axiom is included in the theory. Here the Weak König's
Lemma from reverse mathematics arises as a model completion.
This work is joint with Marta Fiori-Carones, Leszek Aleksander
Kolodziejczyk and Keita Yokoyama.
- Wednesday 10/02/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 5,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
No Seminar.
- Wednesday 17/02/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 6,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Xiao Ming. Borel Order Dimensions.
Order dimension is a classical combinatorial object and has been
widely studied by set theorists, combinatorists and computer scientists
since its introduction by Dushnik and Miller in 1941. We focus on the
partial orderings that are definable as a Borel subsets in a Polish space
and analyze the order dimension that can be realized by Borel definable
orders and show that there are some interesting behaviors that can be
quite different from the classical order dimension using arbitrary
This is a joint work with Dilip Raghavan.
- Wednesday 03/03/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 7,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Desmond Lau.
On the unification of two maximal axioms.
Martin's Maximum++ and Woodin's axiom (*) are two
statements independent of, but consistent with, ZFC. I will present
the common reasons they are appealing as set-theoretic axioms, before
comparing the sense in which they are maximal. I will also run
through an exposition of the recent work by Asperó and
Schindler, which shows Martin's Maximum++ implies (*),
effectively unifying the statements.
- Wednesday 10/03/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 8,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Zekun Jia.
Two Ramsey-theoretic statements in models where AC fails.
There are a lot of theorems in Ramsey theory whose proof
explicitly or implicitly uses the Axiom of Choice. This talk will
focus on Ramsey's Theorem and Open Ramsey Theorem in three models of
set theory where the Axiom of Choice fails (the basic Cohen model, the
basic Fraenkel model, and the ordered Mostowski model), as well as
some consistency and independence results that follow. Also, the usual
proof of Open Ramsey Theorem on omega given by Galvin and Prikry
assumes the Axiom of Dependent Choice, and this talk will sketch an
improvement on that proof to make it purely constructive.
This talk is about a project advised by Zach Norwood.
- Thursday 18/03/2021, 10:00 hrs (17/03/2021
in USA), Week 9,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Ko Liling.
Towards finding a lattice of fickleness strictly above
Given a finite lattice L that can be embedded in the recursively
enumerable (r.e.) Turing degrees (R,≤) we do not in
general know how to characterize the degrees d ∈ R below which
L can be bounded. The important characterizations
known so far are of the
L7 and 1-3-1 lattices, where the former is bounded exactly
by the degrees with fickleness strictly above ω and the
latter is bounded exactly by the degrees containing sets of fickleness
greater equal ωω. Given that the
fickleness hierarchy collapses exactly to the powers of ω
with the first few levels being
we want to find a lattice that characterizes the levels strictly
above ω2.
We begin by exhausting the lattices L that are as
``small'' as L7 and 1-3-1,
but these lattices turn out to characterize the levels strictly
above ω or from ωω onwards,
if L is not already embeddable below all non-zero r.e. degrees.
We even considered small infinite lattices but they too behave
like L7 or 1-3-1. We discovered
three lattices besides 1-3-1 that also characterize the levels
from ωω onwards.
Our search for a candidate characterising the levels
strictly above ω2
therefore involves the lattice-theoretic problem of finding lattices that
do not contain any of the four sublattices which characterise
the levels from ωω onwards as a sublattice.
Using this criterion as a heuristic we introduce the wide diamond lattice as
a candidate, though we conjecture that this lattice also behaves like 1-3-1.
- Wednesday 24/03/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 10,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Philipp Schlicht. Sets and graphs in generalised descriptive
set theory.
While descriptive set theory studies definable sets of words of
length omega, generalised descriptive set theory studies words
of uncountable regular length. The talk will begin with an
introduction to this field and its applications. I will then talk
about how one can characterise when a definable set is small
or admits a colouring with few colours with respect to an open
This is joint work with Dorottya Sziraki.
- Wednesday 31/03/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 11,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Lars Kristiansen.
Classic representations of irrational numbers seen from a computability
and complexity-theoretic perspective.
We will address the following question:
Do we need, or do we not need, unbounded search in order to convert
one representation of an irrational number into another
We will consider well known representations like Cauchy sequences,
Dedekind cuts, base-2 expansions, base-10 expansions and continued
fractions, and maybe a few less well-know representations.
A hand-out is available.
- Wednesday 07/04/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 12,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Frank Stephan.
On Trees without Hyperimmune Branches.
In the year 2013, Keng Meng Ng, Frank Stephan, Yue Yang and Liang Yu
published the paper "Computational Aspects of the Hyperimmune-free Degrees"
and one of the results was given without a full proof.
The current talk gives
the full proof of this result. In particular, the talk provides
the full details of the construction of an co-r.e. infinite binary tree
with uncountablly many branches which are all hyperimmune-free,
Schnorr-trivial, jump traceable, generalised low and of minimal
Turing degree. Hyperimmune-free means that every function Turing
reducible to it is majorised by a recursive function. Jump traceable
means that for every e one can compute an explicit bound on the
number of elements which some further set also depending on e enumerates
and that finite set contains the Jump value at e. Generalised low means
that the jump of A is recursive in the join of A and K. A minimal
Turing degree is a nonrecursive Turing degree below which is only
the recursive one. Schnorr trivial means that for every f truth-table
reducible to the set there is a recursive function which lists out for
each input x a set of x+1 many values with one of them being f(x).
The slides of the quite technical talk are here:
- Wednesday 14/04/2021, 17:00 hrs, Week 13,
Zoom 968 6020 1432.
Karen Seidel. Learning from informant.
Learning from positive and negative information, so called
informant, is one of the models for human and machine learning
introduced by Gold. We review existing classical and recent
results regarding the learning power of associated settings.
Talks from the
previous semesters.