Biodata of Francis Yeoh
(Aug 2015)
In a career spanning 30 years, Dr Francis S C Yeoh has been involved in various aspects of R&D, technology management, startup companies, venture funding, innovation and entrepreneurship. He had been a research scientist, research institute director, internet startup CEO, investor, professor and government policy maker.
He stepped down as the first CEO of the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore in 2012 after more than 6 years. While at the NRF, he initiated and implemented many new national initiatives in research, innovation and enterprise, including major international research collaborations, national innovation challenges, proof-of-concept grants, early stage venture funds and technology incubation programmes.
Dr Yeoh is presently Professorial Fellow for Entrepreneurship at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS), overseeing the school’s entrepreneurship efforts, teaching entrepreneurship and mentoring university startup companies. He is also Executive Director for the Mediapreneur Incubator, a corporate incubation programme for media startups under Singapore’s largest media company, Mediacorp Pte Ltd. He serves on government panels awarding startup grants as well as grants to social enterprises.
He holds a B Sc (Hon) and PhD in Electrical Engineering, from Loughborough University (UK) and a Masters in Management from MIT Sloan.