Please refer to this page for information on how to work on your assignment.
Modify the lines with the moves. Replace them by a structure of recursively
called functions which move the towers from position towera
position towerb
using position towerc
. The
variable says how many rings are moved. Refer to
page 31 in Harel's book for details on the algorithm. The function can
call itself if quantity > 1
The movetop()
function is already there. It should be called
in the main program such that towera
is set to 0 and
to 1. The numbers used for the pegs are 0, 1 and 2
(in the case of 3 pegs).
Increase the value for the parameter rings to 7 and to 10 and run the
program with each of these parameters. How many moves are made? Then set
rings to 10, pegs to 4 and replace the main call of movetop()
by the sequence:
movetop(5, 0, 2, 3);
movetop(5, 0, 1, 3);
movetop(5, 2, 1, 3);
How many moves are now made? Note that for changing the values of rings
and pegs, you have to edit the program at that place where the initial
values are assigned at var rings = 6;
and var pegs =
Using 5 pegs gives even more advantage than using 4 pegs. The task is to find a method with less than 40 moves for 5 pegs and 10 rings, here the pegs have the names 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. The best known method found for this assignments so far is 31 moves. If you solve this talk, you can hand it in by showing it to the lecturer during the laboratory sessions.