Assignment 16 - Computing Determinants

  1. Getting Started

    Please refer to this page for information on how to work on your assignment.

  2. General Outline

    The main goal of this assignment is to compute the determinant of a matrix. Here the computations are not done in the integers itself, but in the ring modulo some fixed number. If this number is 92, then addition, substraction and multiplication have arguments and results in the set {0,1,2,…,90,91} and work as the following examples show:

         5 + 8  ==  13
        22 + 8  ==  30
        90 + 8  ==   6
         4 - 3  ==   1
         4 - 6  ==  90
         8 - 9  ==  91
        16 * 4  ==  64
        16 * 6  ==   4
        32 * 6  ==   8
        23 * 8  ==   0

    The task is now to compute in this modified arithmetic the determinant of a matrix. Although there is a complicated polynomial to compute the determinant directly, this polynomial is very large and therefore mathematicians do other methods to compute it: They transform the matrix with operations which preserve the determinant until the lower triangle of the matrix below the diagonal consists entirely of zeros. Then the determinant is just the product of the elements in the diagonal. The goal of this assignment is to program this for some randomly chosen matrix and then to display this new matrix. So a sample output of the correct program would be the following:

    Computing the determinant.
    Computations modulo 92; the matrix has size 11 times 11.
    The solution is 69.
    Printing the matrix.
    57 34 85 56  8 69 87 67 80 88 51 
    20 40 48 80 57 88 50 18 76 60 89 
    57 73 10  7 11 41 55 36  2 80 32 
    43 64 11 41 11 42 35 67 26 12 72 
    48 17 64 88 14 32 32  0 88 16  8 
    58 12 80 55  5  6 34  5  1 29 12 
    46 53 68 43 52 50 65 83  6 76 49 
    86 18 54 70 75 78 30 73 56 44 72 
    30 26 22  8 24  1 14 43 15 46 69 
    74 65 65 11 10 69 70 63 52 15 50 
    25 55 53 50 13 35 37  9 65 83 75 
    Printing the matrix.
     1 66 65 68 19 33 17 21 68 28 38 
     0  1 87 41 70 60 10 61 26 48 16 
     0  0  1 22 77  9 68 57 24 72 13 
     0  0  0  1 23 59 78 26 74 28 23 
     0  0  0  0  1 32 78 46 84 64 77 
     0  0  0  0  0  1 24 70 53 23 78 
     0  0  0  0  0  0  1 67  9 83 85 
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1 48 47 91 
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1 75  0 
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3 19 
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 23 
    The determinant is 69.

    What is missing in the given assignment is the routine to transform the matrix and this should be programmed. Further information on matrices is available on Wikipedia.

  3. The algorithm

    The algorithm chosen here is suitable for matrices of small finite rings obtained by computing modulo some small natural number (like 92 in the above example). This algorithm would not work with real numbers. Somehow, it has the advantage that it does not need the division which indeed is not available in all cases, as there might be factors of 0; for example 2, 4, 8, 23 and 46 in the case of computing modulo 92. The underlying idea of the implementation is the following:

       If one adds or substracts rows in a matrix, then the
       determinant of the matrix does not change. So, for computations
       modulo 92, the following matrices have all the same determinant
       as each of them is obtained from the previous one by adding to
       one row or substacting from one row the multiple of some other row.
          1  3  2  8
          2  6 90  1
          1  6 90  4
          3 15 90 20
          1  3  2  8
          0  0 86 77    row 0 twice substracted from row 1
          0  3 88 88    row 0 substracted from row 2
          0  6 84 88    row 0 three times substracted from row 3
          1  3  2  8
          0  0 86 77
          0  3 88 88
          0  0  0  4    row 2 twice substracted from row 3
          1  3  2  8
          0  3 82 73    row 2 added to row 1
          0  3 88 88
          0  0  0  4
          1  3  2  8
          0  3 82 73
          0  0  6 15    row 1 substracted from row 2
          0  0  0  4
        All these matrices have the determinant 1*3*6*4 which is
        72 modulo 92.

    These examples illustrate that one can in principle obtain a matrix in the desired form. The task is now to implement this systematically. Here are some details of the implementation:

    So the general idea is to use above variables and the rowadd() function in order to do suitable additions and substractions of rows until all entries below the diagonal are 0. To work out the details and to implement this is the task of this assignment.

  4. Test your program

    Run the program several times and compare the values of the solution and determinant variables output by the program. If they are always equal, it is likely that the programmed solution is correct.

    You can hand in the program after checking its correctness by showing it to the lecturer.

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