Headed by the ACM
SIGGRAPH president Prof Judy Brown and vice-president Prof Alan Chalmers, the
delegation visited the school on April 5, 2002. Prof Seah Hock Soon (dean of
faculty of Computer Engineering) and Prof Lee Yong Tsui of NTU, president and
vice-president of ACM SIGGRAPH Singapore Chapter, accompany them to the school.
The goal of this visit is to help establish computer graphics and interactive
techniques as a leading research and application activity in the region. Prof
Mohan S Kankanhalli, vice dean of the school, and Prof Chua Tat Seng,
Coordinator of Media Group of the school, met the delegation. ACM SIGGRAPH
(Special Interest Group in Computer Graphics) is the world's largest and most
active professional society that promotes computer graphics and its
applications (digital animation, art, multimedia, games, VR, etc.). Its
activists and members include the top-most computer graphics scientists and
digital artists from academic institutions and industries throughout the world.
It is headquartered in the
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