Hugh Anderson (Associate Professor)
- Research and Teaching Area
- Academic Information
- PhD, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore (2007)
- MSc, University of the South Pacific (USP), Fiji Islands (1999)
- BSc Hons, Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), New Zealand (1979)
- Teaching/Academic Experience
- June 2010-Present Associate Professor, National University of Singapore (NUS), Republic of Singapore
- January 2008-October 2009 Research Chair at WelTec (NZ), and two visits to NUS as Visiting Senior Fellow
- July 2000-December 2007 Lecturer, National University
of Singapore (NUS), Republic of Singapore
- 1998-2000 Lecturer, University of the South
Pacific (USP), Fiji Islands
- 1994-1998 Principal Lecturer, Central Institute
of Technology (CIT), Heretaunga, NZ
- 1988-1990 Lecturer, Central Institute of
Technology (CIT), Heretaunga, NZ
- Personal Interests
Research interests
- Formal methods, refinement, tool support
- Network administration
- Distributed systems
- Encryption
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2019/2020:
- Semester I:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- IFS4205 Information Security Capstone Project (Lecturer)
- Special Term II: DOTA2020 Defence of the Ancients (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2018/2019:
- Semester I:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- IFS4205 Information Security Capstone Project (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer, with John)
- Special Term II: DOTA2019 Defence of the Ancients (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2017/2018:
- Semester I:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- CS3205 Information Security Capstone Project (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS5232 Formal Specification and Design Techniques (Lecturer, with Jin Song)
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer, with John)
- Special Term II: DOTA2018 Defence of the Ancients (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2016/2017:
- Semester I:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- CS3205 Informaton Security Capstone Project (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS5232 Formal Specification and Design Techniques (Lecturer, with Jin Song)
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer, with John)
- Special Term II: RI3008 The Dark Arts, Attacks and Defences (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2015/2016:
- Semester I: CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer)
- Special Term II:
- Short course version of CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- RI3008 The Dark Arts, Attacks and Defences (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2014/2015:
- Semester I:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- CS3210 Introduction to Parallel Computing (Lecturer)
- Semester II: CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer)
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2013/2014:
- Semester I: CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer)
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2012/2013:
- Semester I:
- CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- FMC1202 The Wonderfully Weird World of Software (Coordinator)
- Semester II: CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2011/2012:
- Semester I: CS3235 Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer)
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS2107 Introduction to Information and System Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2010/2011:
- Semester I: CS3210 Introduction to Parallel Computing (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- FMC1201 Is Computer Science Science? (Lecturer)
- CS3211 Parallel and Concurrent Programming (Lecturer)
- CS4236 Cryptography Theory and Practice (Lecturer, jointly with A/P Richard Ma)
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2009/2010:
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2008/2009:
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2007/2008:
- Semester I:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
- CS3235 Introduction to
Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II: I will not be at NUS, and someone else will have to take care of the sheep dip.
- Semester IV: Short course version of CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security (Lecturer)
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2006/2007:
- Semester I:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
- CS3235 Introduction to
Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS2281 Programming in UNIX
- CS5270 Verification of Real
Systems (Lecturer)
- GEK1531
Introduction to
CyberCrime (Lecturing, jointly with Profs Niederreiter, Seng, Chew and
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2005/2006:
- Semester I:
- CS2281 Programming in UNIX
- CS3235 Introduction to Computer
Security (Lecturer, assisted by Sandeep Kumar)
- Semester II:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
- CS5270 Verification of Real
Systems (Lecturer, assisted by P.S.Thiagarajan)
- GEK1531
Introduction to
CyberCrime (Lecturing,
jointly with Profs Niederreiter, Seng, Chew and Yu)
- I am no longer in charge of the sheep dip.
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2004/2005:
- Semester I:
- CS1102c Data Structures and
Algorithms (Lecturing,
jointly with Tan Sun Teck, Ang Chuan Heng, Heng Aik Koan )
- CS3235 Introduction to
Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
- GEK1531
Introduction to
CyberCrime (Lecturing,
jointly with Profs Niederreiter, Seng, Chew and Yu)
- I'm also helping out with the labs for CS1102 (Java) and
CS1102C (C++), and I am in charge of the sheep dip.
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2003/2004:
- Semester I:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
(Lecturer, assisted by Roland Yap)
- CS3235 Introduction to
Security (Lecturer)
- Semester II:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
(Assisting Roland Yap)
- CS3283 GUI Programming
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2002/2003:
- Semester I:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
- Semester II:
- CS3103 Computer Networks II
(Lecturing, jointly with Prof. Ananda)
- CS3283 GUI Programming
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2001/2002:
- Semester I:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
(Lecturing, jointly with Eng Wee)
- CS3235 Computer Security
- Semester II:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
(Lecturing, jointly with Roland)
- CS3283 GUI Programming
- Teaching responsibilities, (NUS) 2000:
- Semester I:
- CS2106 Operating Systems
(Tutoring) - shocked to learn that there are very few sheep in Singapore.
- CS1105 Computing and
- Semester II:
- CS1101c Programming
in C (Lecturer - my notes are here)
- Teaching responsibilities, (USP) 2000:
- Semester 1:
- CS311 Operating
- Teaching responsibilities, (USP) 1999:
- Semester 1:
- CS311 Operating
- CS415 Advanced
Engineering (Lecturer)
- Semester 2:
- CS312 Data
Communications (Lecturer) - in charge of sheep dip.
- CS492 Data Security
Cryptography (Lecturing, jointly with Russel Pears)
- Teaching responsibilities, (USP) 1998:
- Semester 1:
- CS491 Distributed
- Semester 2:
- CS312 Data
Communications (Lecturer)
Publications and Related Work
- Beatrice Luca, Stefan Andrei, Hugh Anderson, Siau-Cheng Khoo, Program
Transformation by Solving Recurrences, PEPM 2006, Charleston, Jan
- Hugh Anderson, Siau-Cheng Khoo, Stefan Andrei and Beatrice Luca, Calculating
Polynomial Runtime Properties, APLAS 2005, Tsukuba,
Nov 2005. Here in pdf.
- Hugh Anderson and Siau-Cheng Khoo, Affine-Based Size-Change
Termination, APLAS 2003, Beijing, Nov 2003.
An extended version of the paper is found here
in pdf.
- Hugh Anderson and Gabriel Ciobanu, Model-Checking and UTP
Design Verification, SEEFM 2003, Greece, Nov 2003.
- Hugh Anderson, Abstract Interpetation with a Theorem Prover,
ICFEM 2002, Shanghai, Oct 2002. Here in
- Hugh Anderson, Formalization and Literate Programming,
APSEC 2001, Macau, Dec 2001. Here in pdf.
- Hugh Anderson, 3DVNT - A System for 3D Visualization of
Network Traffic, Master's Thesis, MACS 1999, USP. Here in pdf.
- Hugh Anderson, 3D Visualization of LAN Traffic, Technical
Report. Here
in pdf.
- Hugh Anderson, Homer Cubed, Technical Report, 1998, MACS,
USP. Here
in pdf.
- J. E. Morris, Hugh Anderson, and Roy Smith, Retrofit Feedback
Control of A/F Ratio and Ignition Timing for Fuel Economy, SAE
Technical Paper, 82038 (1982). Here in
pdf. (Scanned in just-for-fun!)
- Roy Smith, Hugh Anderson and Jim Morris, Data acquisition
and analysis in a vehicle with a Commodore PET, J. Phys. E: Sci.
Instrum. Vol 15, 1982. Here in pdf.
- Introduction to Computer Security 2nd Edition, 2005,
Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN 9789810675776
- Operating Systems 2nd Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill, ISBN
- Introduction to Computer Security, 2004, Pearson/Prentice Hall,
ISBN 9812447113
- Introduction to GUI Programming, 2003, Pearson/Prentice Hall,
ISBN 9812446591
- Operating Systems, 2002, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0071234292
Further Information
Hey! I moved back home to New Zild, where I was supporting furniture at WELTEC, and having fun with my railway wagons. But then....
I came back!
Telephone: (65) 65164262
Office: COM2 #03-24
(65) 67794580