Jed Koh Jin Keat

About Me
I am a Year 3 Computer Science student at NUS. My academic interests lie primarily in computational theory, algorithm analysis, and cryptography. Currently, I am doing research on trace languages and their applications in concurrency testing, under the supervision of Prof Umang Mathur.

Modules Taught
  • Solving Real World Problems with Computational Thinking
    • AY23/24 Summer Workshop - SWS3001 (Head TA)
    • AY22/23 Winter Programme - WWS1101
  • CS1010X Programming Methodology
    • AY23/24 Sem 2 (Senior TA)
    • AY22/23 Sem 2
Modules Taken
AY23/24 Sem 2
  • CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CS2107 Introduction to Information Security
  • CS2108 Introduction to Media Computing
  • CS3245 Information Retrieval
  • CS4230 Foundations of Modern Cryptography
  • CS4269 Fundamentals of Logic in Computer Science
  • CS5330 Randomised Algorithms
  • EL1101E The Nature of Language
AY23/24 Sem 1
  • CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
  • CS2102 Database Systems
  • CS2103T Software Engineering
  • CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CS3231 Theory of Computation
  • CS4261 Algorithmic Mechanism Design
AY22/23 Special Term
  • GESS1009 The Evolution of a Global City-State
AY22/23 Sem 2
  • CP3106 Independent Project
  • CS2100 Computer Organisation
  • CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
  • DSA1101 Introduction to Data Science
  • IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy
  • IS2218 Digital Platforms for Business
  • IS2238 Economics of IT and AI
  • ST2334 Probability and Statistics
AY22/23 Sem 1
  • CS1231S Discrete Structures
  • CS2030S Programming Methodology II
  • ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • CS1010X Programming Methodology
  • CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms