Modules Taken
AY24/25 Sem 1
CS2103R Software Engineering
CS2104 Programming Language Concepts
CS2109S Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
CS4225 Big Data Systems for Data Science
CS4226 Internet Architecture
CS5234 Algorithms at Scale
AY23/24 Sem 2
CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
CS2107 Introduction to Information Security
CS2108 Introduction to Media Computing
CS3245 Information Retrieval
CS4230 Foundations of Modern Cryptography
CS4269 Fundamentals of Logic in Computer Science
CS5330 Randomised Algorithms
EL1101E The Nature of Language
AY23/24 Sem 1
CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
CS2102 Database Systems
CS2103T Software Engineering
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS3231 Theory of Computation
CS4261 Algorithmic Mechanism Design
AY22/23 Special Term
GESS1009 The Evolution of a Global City-State
AY22/23 Sem 2
CP3106 Independent Project
CS2100 Computer Organisation
CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks
DSA1101 Introduction to Data Science
IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy
IS2218 Digital Platforms for Business
IS2238 Economics of IT and AI
ST2334 Probability and Statistics
AY22/23 Sem 1
CS1231S Discrete Structures
CS2030S Programming Methodology II
ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age
MA2001 Linear Algebra
MA2002 Calculus
CS1010X Programming Methodology
CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms