[ IVLE ]
[ >Overview ]
[ Syllabus ]
[ Teaching Staff ]
[ Grading ]
[ Tutorials ]
[ Homework ]
[ Misc. ]
N.B.: This course has finished as of 23 April 2004. You may want to visit the current website for the course at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs3243.
We will be using the Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE) for forum discussions, announcements, homework submissions, and other temporally-sensitive materials. Basic course administration, lecture and tutorial notes will be available on this publicly-accessible webpage.
Description (from the course bulletin): The module introduces the basic concepts in search and knowledge representation as well as to a number of sub-areas of artificial intelligence. It focuses on covering the essential concepts in AI. The module covers Turing test, blind search, iterative deepening, production systems, heuristic search, A* algorithm, minimax and alpha-beta procedures, predicate and first-order logic, resolution refutation, non-monotonic reasoning, assumption-based truth maintenance systems, inheritance hierarchies, the frame problem, certainly factors, Bayes' rule, frames and semantic nets, planning, learning, natural language, vision, and expert systems and LISP.
Prerequisites: CS1102 Data Structures and Algorithms, and either CS1231 or CS1231S Discrete Structures
Modular credits: 4
Workload: 2-1-0-3-3
Our textbook will be the same textbook as last semester. You can buy it from your seniors for it or from the NUS Co-op. Make sure you get the second edition textbook.
Copies are also on reserve (RBR) at both the Science Library and the Central Library.
Note to NUS-external visitors: Welcome! If you're a fellow AIMA instructor looking for MS Powerpoint versions of the AIMA slides, you can see the syllabus menu item on the left for a preview, please contact me for the original .zip file.
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Min-Yen Kan <kanmy@comp.nus.edu.sg> Created on: Mon Dec 1 19:36:22 2003 | Version: 1.0 | Last modified: Mon Dec 6 17:35:37 2004