We will be using the Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE) for forum discussions, announcements, and other temporally-sensitive materials. Basic course administration, lecture and tutorial notes will be available on this publicly-accessible webpage.
Course Calendar
See the syllabus page for class notes and topics covered -- the schedule above will show the most up-to-date schedule for the class. I will try to announce any changes in class scheduling through IVLE.
Module Aims and Objectives: A huge quantity of information is available on the web and the amount is increasing every day. Most on the web information is still currently in the form of free text encoded in HTML and PDF formats. A growing trend is towards high-level and semantic encoding of such textual information in the form of XML, and towards the integration of wired and wireless web environments.
There is a need to classify and summarize this information for display on wide variety of devices with wide ranging processing power and display capabilities, such as PCs and mobile phones.
We need to develop tools to process and manage such information effectively. This module introduces the concepts and techniques for the analysis, representation, retrieval, classification and summarization of unstructured textual information. By the end of this course, students should have the expertise and competence to design and implement text processing and mining systems and search engines on the web.
Note to NUS-external visitors: Welcome! If you're a fellow course instructor looking for lecture material, you can see the syllabus menu item on the left for a preview. Please contact me if you'd like to use any of my material. Thanks!
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Min-Yen Kan <kanmy@comp.nus.edu.sg> Sun Jul 13 00:15:27 SGT 2008 | Version: 1.0 | Last modified: Tue Aug 26 16:54:49 2008