CS 6210 - Topics in Computer Science I:

Digital Libraries and Computing for the Humanities

Tentative schedule:SR 1 (S16 Level 3, Room 7)
Wednesdays, 16:00-18:00
Office Hours (before class) Wednesdays, 14:00-16:00

N.B.: This course is finished. See below for class notes or here for project presentations. See the following links for more recent incarnations of the course: Fall 2004. We will be using the Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE) for lecture notes, homework and other temporally-sensitive materials. Basic course administration will be available on this publically-accessible webpage.

Quick Links: [ Home ] [ IVLE ] [ Project Info ] [ Schedule ] [ Details ] [ HW 1 ] [ HW 2 ]

Course Description

This module is targeted to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students who wish to understand real-world issues in building, using and maintaining large volumes of information in digital libraries.

Fundamentals of modern information retrieval will first be taught, with a particular focus on how this fundamental technology is merged with traditional information finding skills of the librarian / cataloger / archivist.

Students will round out their knowledge with case studies of how different disciplines (e.g. music, arts, medicine and law) impose different search, usability and maintenance requirements on the digital library.

More detail on this course. Why have this course? Who should think about taking this course? What are the prerequisites? What are the aims and objectives of the course? How are students to be assessed?


(Updated on Tue Oct 7 14:50:20 GMT-8 2003

Below is the syllabus for the course. Not detailed enough for you? Try the complete, detailed schedule. N.B. - The notes below are the public copies, which are purposely incomplete. Students in class should use the versions in IVLE, which are more complete.

Reading Period: 15. 5 Nov 2003

Other information

(Updated on Wed Sep 3 11:37:19 GMT-8 2003)

Other topics taught as time allows: data compression, machine translation, computer-aided instruction, art by computing, Semantic Web initiative. Be sure to fill in the survey on IVLE to help me decide which optional topics to lecture on.

For visitors: If you are visiting this site looking for slides and materials on Digital Libraries or Computing for the Humanities, you might consider contacting me if you want the full version of the slides for this course (I'll happily share what I can, bar copyrighted materials). You can check out a partially completed worksheet of Digital Library courses available globally (.html, saved from MS Excel). If you're looking for a repository of tools for NLP / IR within our school, check out our local RPNLPIR account.

Quick Links: [ Home ] [ IVLE ] [ Project Info ] [ Schedule ] [ Details ] [ HW 1 ] [ HW 2 ]

Min-Yen Kan <kanmy@comp.nus.edu.sg>
Created on: Wed May 7 16:05:38 2003 | Version: 1.0 | Last modified: Fri Oct 15 09:47:58 2004

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