Teacher Performance Report
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Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1
Activity Type:LECTURE
Class Size/Response Size/Response Rate :179  /  111  /  62.01%    
Contact Session/Teaching Hour :13  /  26    
QnItems EvaluatedFac. Member Avg ScoreFac. Member Avg Score Std. DevDept Avg ScoreFac. Avg Score
(a)     (b)(c)     (d)

1The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability. 4.225 0.064 4.186 ( 4.225) 4.165 ( 4.134)
2The teacher has increased my interest in the subject. 4.225 0.069 4.161 ( 4.225) 4.040 ( 4.034)
3The teacher provided timely and useful feedback. 4.209 0.068 4.171 ( 4.209) 4.081 ( 4.088)
Average Q1 to Q3 4.220 0.061 4.173 ( 4.220)NA (NA)
Computed Overall Effectiveness of the Teacher. 4.276 0.059 4.230 ( 4.276) 4.160 ( 4.147)

1. A 5-point scale is used for the scores. The higher the score, the better the rating.
2. Fac. Member Avg Score: The mean of all the scores for each question for the faculty member.
3. Fac. Member Avg Score Std. Dev: A measure of the range of variability. It measures the extent to which a faculty member's Average Score differs from all the scores in the faculty member's evaluation. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the robustness of the number given as average.
4. Dept Avg Score :
 (a) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the department.
 (b) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the department.
5. Fac. Avg Score :
 (c) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the faculty.
 (d) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the faculty.


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 1: The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












40 (36.04%)

56 (50.45%)

15 (13.51%)

0 (.00%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


40 (36.04%)

56 (50.45%)

15 (13.51%)

0 (.00%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


290 (36.99%)

347 (44.26%)

120 (15.31%)

16 (2.04%)

11 (1.40%)

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 2: The teacher has increased my interest in the subject.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












43 (38.74%)

51 (45.95%)

16 (14.41%)

1 (.90%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


43 (38.74%)

51 (45.95%)

16 (14.41%)

1 (.90%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


283 (36.10%)

312 (39.80%)

136 (17.35%)

39 (4.97%)

14 (1.79%)

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 3: The teacher provided timely and useful feedback.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












42 (38.18%)

49 (44.55%)

19 (17.27%)

0 (.00%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


42 (38.18%)

49 (44.55%)

19 (17.27%)

0 (.00%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


285 (36.87%)

312 (40.36%)

146 (18.89%)

19 (2.46%)

11 (1.42%)


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1
Activity Type:LECTURE

What are the teacher's strengths? (60 comments)

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal to 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Clear, informative.

2. Coming up with interesting modules like Orbital for Year 1 students. Organize the lecture plans very effectively to support independent learning.

3. Encourages self-learning, interacts with students very actively, answers students' doubts promptly.

4. Experienced

5. Friendly and able to provide timely feedback.

6. Gives prompt replies to question

7. He is encouraging and understanding. He is able to raise my interest in software development.

8. He's webcasts are quite clear and I can understand those concepts very well

9. Knowledgeable, amicable and easy to approach.

10. NIL

11. Open-minded

12. Provided us with enough information to get us started, and provided a good platform and structure for us to learn on our own and help when we need it

13. Provides help to students about the course requirements

14. Really dedicated to the program and also gives great workshops! In regards to the tutor who was in charged of my team, he was really great! Really really awesome! He gave very good feedback to help us improve our website and various help when he suggest improvements etc.

15. Really patient and nice, like unbelievably nice.

16. Responsible

17. The teacher provided timely and helpful feedback to us. The weekly sessions held by the lecturer is also very helpful.

18. Uses many platform for us to learn and gather information.

19. arranged structured courses and very responsible

20. explanation was easily understand

21. humorous

22. s

23. very nice and approachable for consulting. He is quite responsible for each student and provide us with newly updates.

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 4.0 and less than 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Able to answer student queries

4. Allows students to understand the basic requirement of the module

5. Encourages personal development and exploration

6. Engaging and concise in his lectures. Able to deliver what he wants without exceeding the time limit.

7. Funny and encouraging.

8. Good explanations. Clear speaker.

9. Good teaching, approachable

10. He is clear in his explanations

11. He is helpful and very quick in answering our doubts.

12. He is passionate about teaching students about the practical applications of computing.

13. He is very patient and has a good sense of humor.

14. Instructions are always well relayed.

15. Interesting way of lectures

16. NIL

17. Prof Min followed up regularly on the project and ensured that everything proceeded smoothly.

18. Teaches well.

19. be very responsible to this student project, taking care of almost all the things that related.

20. energetic and humorous

21. friendly and approachable.

22. good delivery

23. provide good course structure.

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.5 and less than 4.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Content is presented clearly and easy to follow

2. Great organization for the programme, easy to approach by using Piazza

3. He is friendly and gives appropriate advice when we have questions.

4. He takes an effort to make his workshops topic interesting.

5. Professional

6. The mission control sessions were good.

7. This was a self-learning module. He was very helpful to those people who need help.

8. Tone and pace of speaking was good.

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.0 and less than 3.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Dry sense of humour was greatly appreciated

4. Friendly.

5. integrate multiple pedagical methods; encourage creativity and innovation

Comments from students who gave an average score less than 3.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. He is very enthusiastic and very engaging.

What improvements would you suggest to the teacher? (45 comments)

Comments from students who gave an average score less than 3.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Perhaps more time could be spent on focusing on work instead of prep-talking his students.

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.0 and less than 3.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Nothing.

4. Try to keep track of the advisers' progress and not give them complete free rein over their mentees

5. keep better track of studnets' performance

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.5 and less than 4.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. Better teaching materials to cater to slower students

3. He's a good lecturer.

4. Lecture styled python course could be better managed in tutorial format.

5. Nil.

6. Please provide more feedback from your side.

7. nil

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 4.0 and less than 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. -

4. -

5. -

6. Could have covered more areas in the syllabus?

7. Could have had more sessions in the midst of summer?

8. More in depth materials

9. NA

10. NIL

11. None

12. Not sure

13. Nothing

14. Too much content for students to process in such a short period. Have breaks in between.

15. good enough

16. nil

17. nothing much to say. This module relied heavily on independent work so his level participation was apt.

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal to 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Keep being awesome.

4. N.A

5. NA

6. NIL

7. None.

8. Nothing

9. Very good already.

10. could have cover the materials more in-depth

11. nil

12. nil

13. nil

14. nil

15. s


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1

Module Code:CP3108BNo of Nominations:3

1.Bold initiative to level up students to measure up against rival schools. Thank you for providing the opportunity for us to build something, which I otherwise would have found an extreme bore and chore to do.
2.Good at explanation and explains well. Also provided important feedback on time, evaluation on time and well managed course

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