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7.2 Syntax and Semantics

7.2.1 Syntax

The syntax of CHR rules in hProlog is the following:

rules --> rule, rules.
rules --> [].

rule --> name, actual_rule, pragma, [atom('.')].

name --> atom, [atom('@')].
name --> [].

actual_rule --> simplification_rule.
actual_rule --> propagation_rule.
actual_rule --> simpagation_rule.

simplification_rule --> constraints, [atom('<=>')], guard, body.
propagation_rule --> constraints, [atom('==>')], guard, body.
simpagation_rule --> constraints, [atom('\')], constraints, [atom('<=>')], 
                     guard, body.

constraints --> constraint, constraint_id.
constraints --> constraint, [atom(',')], constraints.

constraint --> compound_term.

constraint_id --> [].
constraint_id --> [atom('#')], variable.

guard --> [].
guard --> goal, [atom('|')].

body --> goal.

pragma --> [].
pragma --> [atom('pragma')], actual_pragmas.

actual_pragmas --> actual_pragma.
actual_pragmas --> actual_pragma, [atom(',')], actual_pragmas.

actual_pragma --> [atom('passive(')], variable, [atom(')')].

Additional syntax-related terminology:

7.2.2 Semantics

In this subsection the operational semantics of CHR in Prolog are presented informally. They do not differ essentially from other CHR systems.

When a constraint is called, it is considered an active constraint and the system will try to apply the rules to it. Rules are tried and executed sequentially in the order they are written.

A rule is conceptually tried for an active constraint in the following way. The active constraint is matched with a constraint in the head of the rule. If more constraints appear in the head they are looked for among the suspended constraints, which are called passive constraints in this context. If the necessary passive constraints can be found and all match with the head of the rule and the gaurd of the rule succeeds, then the rule is committed and the body of the rule executed. If not all the necessary passive constraint can be found, the matching fails or the guard fails, then the body is not executed and the process of trying and executing simply continues with the following rules. If for a rule, there are multiple constraints in the head, the active constraint will try the rule sequentially multiple times, each time trying to match with another constraint.

This process ends either when the active constraint disappears, i.e. it is removed by some rule, or after the last rule has been processed. In the latter case the active constraint becomes suspended.

A suspended constraint is eligible as a passive constraint for an active constraint. The other way it may interact again with the rules, is when a variable appearing in the constraint becomes bound to either a nonvariable or another variable involved in one or more constraints. In that case the constraint is triggered, i.e. it becomes an active constraint and all the rules are tried.

Rule Types There are three different kinds of rules, each with their specific semantics:

Rule Names Naming a rule is optional and has no semantical meaning. It only functions as documentation for the programmer.

Pragmas The semantics of the pragmas are:

The constraint in the head of a rule Identifier can only act as a passive constraint in that rule.

Additional pragmas may be released in the future.

Options It is possible to specify options that apply to all the CHR rules in the module. Options are specified with the option/2 declaration:


Available options are:

This option controls whether guards should be checked for illegal variable bindings or not. Possible values for this option are on, to enable the checks, and off, to disable the checks.

This is an experimental option controlling the degree of optimization. Possible values are full, to enable all available optimizations, and off, to disable all optimizations. The default is derived from the SWI-Prolog flag optimise, where true is mapped to full. Therefore the commandline option -O provides full CHR optimization.

This options enables or disables the possibility to debug the CHR code. Possible values are on and off (default). See section 7.4 for more details on debugging. The default is derived from the prolog flag generate_debug_info, which is true by default. See -nodebug.

This option specifies the mode for a particular constraint. The value is a term with functor and arity equal to that of a constraint. The arguments can be one of -, + or ?. The latter is the default. The meaning is the following:

The corresponding argument of every occurrence of the constraint is always unbound.

The corresponding argument of every occurrence of the constraint is always ground.

The corresponding argument of every occurrence of the constraint can have any instantiation, which may change over time. This is the default value.
The declaration is used by the compiler for various optimizations. Note that it is up to the user the ensure that the mode declaration is correct with respect to the use of the constraint. This option may occur once for each constraint.