C. Service
C.1 University
Although not required for my
tenure dossier, I include this section as in my opinion, I have performed a
notable amount of service for my current rank. My service also is centered on the same subjects as my research:
dissemination of scholarly academic research (especially C.1.a.2 and C.2.a.1)
University Service
- Department
representative (along with A/P Ng Hwee Tou) on the NUS UCEP Student
Feedback committee; chaired by Prof. KP Mohanan. I was responsible for coordinating the programming
aspects of this committee.
See the notes at the end of
this section.
- Department
representative to the NUS–Academic Research Repository (ARR) meetings;
invited by A/P Mohan Kankanhalli (now full Prof).
Departmental Service
- Honors
Year Project committee member – AY 2006-current
- Graduate
Studies committee member – AY 2005-current, strategic planning and student
recruitment areas
Assistant Professor Representative – AY 2004/2005
Training and problem development – mathematical tricks training session
(26 May 2003, and 2004)
- Maintainer
of New Staff FAQ
project reviewer (undergraduate in 2003, postgraduate in 2004)
Visitors Hosted
- Yahoo!
Visiting Team to NUS SoC: Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Rosie
Jones, Donald Metzler, Vanessa Murdock, Yahoo! Research Labs (Santa Clara,
CA, USA and Barcelona, Spain), 25 Jul 2008
- Simone
Teufel, University of Cambridge, Computer Lab, 11-18 Dec 2007
- Dongwon
Lee, Pennsylvania State University, College of Information Science and
Technology, 12-26 December 2006 [OAP Inbound Visitor]
- Hari
Sundaram, Arizona State University, Arts, Media and Engineering, 19 July-2
August 2007 [OAP Inbound Visitor]
- David
K Evans and Michel Galley, Graduate Research Assistants Columbia
Univesity, 22 December 2005
- John
Chen, Research Scientist, Microsoft Research Asia, 25 July 2005.
- Hari
Kalva, Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University, 5 July 2004
Content Adaptation for Mobile Multimedia
- Krishna
Bharat, Principle Scientist, Google Corporation, 12 July 2004
Google from the Inside
C.2 Service
to International Academic Community
International Organization
- Anthology
Editor (from 2008 onwards): for the
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL; rank 1), – this position
heads the archiving and development of both conference and journal
proceedings for the world’s premiere NLP organization.
SIGIR 2008 Registration Chair – for
the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR; rank 1), I ran
the annual meeting’s conference registration for 2008, when the meeting
was held in Singapore.
Coordinated student volunteers and administrative and web support
staff to ensure registration for the conference, tutorials and workshops
went smoothly. The SIGIR
conference hosted over 500 registrants from over 30 countries.
2006 Proceedings Chair – for the
Asian SIGIR science community, I was responsible for compiling, editing
and printing the proceedings of the Asian Information Retrieval Symposium
(AIRS) in 2006, when the event was held in Singapore. I needed to coordinate over 50
full and poster papers and liase with the international publisher
(Springer) to get the volume indexed, printed. This volume is part of the reputable Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) range.
C.3 Service
to Professional groups / Industry
Professional Groups
board member: 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008
auditor: 2004/2005
In progress / Planned
- World
Scientific Publishers, Consultant: 2008
- Centre
for Strategic Infocomm Technologies: Specialized Course Instructor
C.4 Supplemental
With respect to my service on the University Level on the
NUS UCEP Student Feedback Committee, I was congratulated on my service by the
chair of the committee, Prof. KP Mohanan.
from Mohanan, Karuvannur P (ELL)
to kanmy@comp.nus.edu.sg,
Vincent Ooi <vinceooi@nus.edu.sg>, Yow
Chea Keng <cceyowck@nus.edu.sg>,
"Ng Hwee Tou (SoC)"
"QUEK, Ser Aik" <bizundergrad@nus.edu.sg>
date Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 7:17 PM
subject UCEP discussion on SF profiles
Dear all,
This is to report to you that the UCEP
discussion of the work on SF
profiles went well. They were quite impressed
by our contribution.
In my presentation, I invited their attention
to what the profiles
show, namely, the need to revamp the SF
questions such that students
reflect on their learning experience instead
of evaluating the
teacher. (See the attached ppt slides.) They
were quite convinced. I
also raised the question of whether phase 2
of the project should
start now, or after the SF is revamped. The
consensus was that the
latter option would be the best.
What that means is that as far as we are
concerned, our work has been
successfully completed. Thank you for making
this project a success.
from Mohanan, Karuvannur P (ELL)
to kanmy@comp.nus.edu.sg
date Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 7:26 PM
subject Project on qualitative comments in
Student Feedback
Dear Min,
As you must have inferred from the discussion
at the meeting today,
the University Committee for Educational
Policy is quite pleased with
the project on qualitative comments in
student feedback. The project
is now successfully completed. This would not have been possible but
for the dedication of the members of the
student research team Kyaw
Zaw Lin, Aye Maung, Thet
Lin Thu,Koh Qian Yu, and Kevin Lim. I would
like to thank them, but I don't have their
email addresses, so I would
be grateful if you could forward this message
to them. In particular,
please thank Zaw Lin for me.
Professor K. P. Mohanan
Chair, Research Team on SF
UCEP member