Posters and Foils since 2003
Below are some of the presentations and materials for lectures and
talks that I have given since joining NUS in December of 2002.
You are welcome to use any and all of the materials in my slides
for your own purpose, as long as you cite or acknowledge that the
materials come from my web site.
Other group meeting talks from WING are located on the Meetings page of the WING group.
(In reverse chronological order)
- Invited Talk at National Library of Medicines's Lister Hill Medicale Center on Linking and Summarizing Information on Entities.
- Invited Talk at Microsoft Research Asia's (MSRA) Web-Scale NLP Workshop
- Invited Talk at the Malay / Indonesian NLP workshop.
- Invited Talk at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) [Requires authentication]
- ACL Linked Anthology proposal with Brett Powley
- SemEval talk on PSNUS system
(presented by Hendra Setiawan, Prague, Czech Republic)
- WING introduction information for MIT CSAIL
- 07 May 2007 Group Meeting
- HLT/NAACL 2007 Workshop talks (joint work with Ziheng Lin and others) [ DUC 2007 ] [ TextGraphs-2 ]
- SERC Human Factors Engineering short 10 minute talk on Scholarly Digital Libraries.
[ 24 Aug 2006 ]
- Talks at NUS Central Libraries on OPAC query analysis.
[ 9 Nov 2005 ]
[ 26 Aug 2005 ]
[ 11 May 05 ]
[ 16 Jun 2004 ]
- Talk on web page and block
classification and SMS input tuning given at ASU's AME program in Feb 2005.
- An earlier talk on the PARCELS co-training web block classifier. A later one, presented at WIDM 04.
- A CHIME text processing seminar on our local RPNLPIR resources.
- Updated slides for training our
IOI/ACM team on mathematical tricks, miscellaneous sorting, computer algebra and invariants.
- A presentation to the PRIS seminar group on IBM's Intelligent Miner for Text and WebFountain projects.
- A presentation for my teaching practicum on options for homework, pertaining to my lecture of my Foundations in Artificial Intelligence module.
- A talk on beginning research, meant for HYP and UROP
students. Really good for anyone starting (or in the midst) of
research. You may also want to read my notes on HYP and UROP evaluation process.
- A talk on undergraduate research in my group.
- Applied NLP for IR
summarization. Non-technical introductory talk to my
research for SoC graduate students.
- Trends in automatic text
summarization. An invited talk at the DSO National
Laboratories on research on summarization, based on work done
at Columbia University.
- String matching: Exact,
partial and regular expression matching. A guest lecture
for Dr. Wang
Ye in his Special Topics on Audio processing course.
- Parallelized parsing
progress for the TREC 2003 competition, using our tembusu cluster.
- Slides for training our
IOI/ACM team on mathematical tricks for the ACM programming
- Slides from a short, 30-minute introduction to my research at
NUS (26 May 2003).
- Slides from my talk at HKUST (21
Mar 2003). Almost the same as the ones given at CUHK.
- Slides from my talk at CUHK (19 Mar 2003)
Also, here's a list
of references and slides
of my candidacy exam that I took in November of 1998 on the current
state of the art on terminology.
Min-Yen Kan <>
Created on: Thu Apr 10 13:38:07 2003
| Version: 1.0
| Last modified:
Tue Apr 8 03:36:51 2008