Progress log for 2003
Note: These logs are in reverse chronological order.
- 29 to 31 Dec.
- 22 to 28 Dec - Holiday. Course preparation. Doing verb/noun EMD
- 15 to 21 Dec - Course preparation. Computer asset set up.
- 8 to 14 Dec -
- 1 to 7 Dec - Research. Splitting and tagging Gigaword corpus.
IJNLP reviews.
- 24 Nov to 30 Nov - Final grading. Review work for IJNLP.
- 17 to 23 Nov - Annual grant paperwork. Grading project work.
Posting poster sessions slides up.
- 10 to 16 Nov - Preparation for poster session. Poster sesison
joint with David, Ye and Wei-Tsang's class. Reading textbook
for next semester. WWW preparation with Hang.
- 3 to 9 Nov - WWW preparation with Hang. LREC preparation with
Long. Next year UROP and HYP preparation. Finalized grading
for HW 1, participation for 6210. Reconciled outstanding grade
requests. Final full-length submission of book chapter
- 27 Oct to 2 Nov - Grading Homework 1. Yunlong's PhD defense.
French cooperation meetings.
- 20 to 26 Oct - Holiday, out on vacation.
- 13 to 19 Oct - Technical reports submission. UROP and HYP
question answering and assignment. HW 1 grading and
presentation grading for 6210.
- 6 to 12 Oct - Technical reports submission. UROP and HYP
question answering. Book chapter editing.
- 29 Sep to 5 Oct - Teaching preparation. Guest lecture
preparation for 6212 and 5246.
- 22 to 28 Sep - Teaching preparation. HW 2 preparation. JASIST
book review pre-print proofing.
- 15 to 21 Sep - Teaching preparation. HW 1 release. Slide
prepartion for DSO. Grading for survey paper.
- 8 to 14 Sep - Teaching preparation and HW 1 preparation. Edits
to book chapter. Grading for survey paper.
- 1 to 7 Sep - Edits to journal submission. Teaching preparation
and teaching. Homework construction and proofing. Class home
page updating.
- 25 to 31 Aug - Teaching and teaching preparation. Personal
- 18 to 24 Aug - Meurlin work. Annual review paperwork. Edits
for journal submission.
- 11 to 17 Aug - Course preparation and administration. Final
reviews for ICADL 03. Daemonized Collins' parser distribution.
- 4 to 10 Aug - [Semester I starts - orientation week]. First
class for digital libraries. Meurlin work. Finishing the
parsing of the aquaint corpus through the parallelized tembusu
- 28 Jul to 3 Aug - Parallelized run supervisor for aquiant
parsing. Daemonized version of Collins' parser. CS 6210
preparation and reading.
- 21 to 27 Jul - Catching up with work, slide preparation for
6210. Finished initial version of coref distribution for TREC
efforts. Parallelized runs for the parser.
- 14 to 20 Jul - Out for holiday vacation.
- 7 to 13 Jul - Out for ACL conference.
- 30 Jun to 6 Jul - Slide preparation. TREC meeting. Turn in
draft version of review paper to local editors. Reimbursements
errands. Installation of more tools into rpnlpir.
- 23 to 29 Jun - CS 6210 slide preparation. Edits to JAIM paper.
Moving mail system back to suna storage. TREC meeting.
- 16 to 22 Jun - Finishing and editing book reviews, reviewing
additional textbooks, deciding on text, CS 6210 slide preparation.
- 9 to 15 Jun - Reading textbooks and constructing book review of
Introduction to Digital Libraries.
- 2 to 8 Jun - Installing Perl 5.8.0 on rpnlpir, CPAN updates,
coding extractHierarchy pipeline, tidy and proxy installation, ACL
updates in rpnlpir.
- 26 May to 1 Jun - Intro SoC talk, CIKM revisions, preparation
for ACM/IOI Training course, ACM/IOI Course.
- 19 to 25 May - Course preparation, CIKM revisions.
- 12 to 18 May - Course preparation, CIKM paper revision, outline
proposal and lecture notes for first orientation lecture.
- 5 to 11 May - Project proposal, course preparation. FACL Access
- 28 Apr to 4 May - Project proposal, library emails and
coordination. Meurlin groundwork to update progress, .cgi
scripting work.
- 21 to 27 Apr - Final Exam for 1102. Grading of final scripts.
HYP grading. Correlations of grades for 1102. 1102 Make-up
exam formulation.
- 14 to 20 Apr - HYP and MSc commenting, grading and reading.
Research meeting concerning library materials and joint library
efforts. PE regrading.
- 7 to 13 Apr - dealing with further 1102 cheating cases,
research, grant and hiring scenarios. Research meetings,
editing papers. PE grading.
- 31 Mar to 6 Apr - PE exam grading, background reading, research.
- 24 to 30 Mar 2003 - Student meetings, paper reviews, midterm
solution writeup.
- 17 to 23 Mar 2003 - HYP student meetings, HK vacation and visits
to HK universities.
- 10 to 16 Mar 2003 - Replied about research grants and plagiarism
calls. Teacher training electives. Reviewing papers, grading
midterms, collating midterms, and playtesting final exam.
Research / HYP / UROP meetings. Finalizing HK trip.
- 3 to 9 Mar 2003 - Preparing and setting questions for midterm.
Preparing conference rankings for 4 conferences.
- 24 Feb to 2 Mar 2003 - Teacher Training, editing papers,
proposing projects. Dealing with cheating cases.
- 17 to 23 Feb 2003 - Submitted JCDL short paper submission.
Dealing with cheating policy. Final lecture, tutorial 4.
- 9 to 16 Feb 2003 - Working on JCDL short paper submission,
setting up NLG components, dealing with cheating policy. Lab 2
and Tutorial 3.
- 2 Feb to 8 Feb 2003 - Chinese New Year holiday, no class. yay!
Visit I2R. Lecture 4, still running a bit behind.
Looking into metadata and query logs.
- 26 Jan to 1 Feb 2003 - Continue research and writing for SIGIR and
WWW poster deadlines. Installing and running the
opennlp.maxent software. Experiments and writing for SIGIR.
Submission to SIGIR. Got CU people to help out with SIGIR
submission. Submitted course proposal.
- 18 to 25 Jan 2003 - Installed more software and corpora into
rpnlpir. Reading thesis for MSc exam. First tutorials and
third lecture. Continue research and writing for SIGIR -
Meurlin project.
- 10 to 17 Jan 2003 - Refresher course prep and lecture. I2R
Workshop and hosting Paul Buitelaar. Install of pertinent
software onto research infrastructure account. Course
- 4 to 10 Jan 2003 - HLT thesis stuff goes thru. Preparing for
first lecture. Doing related reading for possible SIGIR
- 30 Dec 2002 to 3 Jan 2003 - Preparing for classes. Meeting
with Tan Chew Lim about research.
Min-Yen Kan <>
Created on: Fri Jan 3 11:53:10 2003
| Version: 1.0
| Last modified:
Tue Dec 30 15:07:33 2003