Progress log for 2004
Note: These logs are in reverse chronological order.
- 27 - 31 Dec - PARCELS work, MeURLin work, reformat and reinstall
aye as wing web server.
- 20 - 26 Dec - PARCELS work, pagerank for MeURLin, meeting with
Chin Hui Lee, joint work on summaries, lyricAlly, TREC
relationships, parsCit work.
- 13 - 19 Dec - PARCELS work, meeting with Ph.D. candidate student
- 6 - 12 Dec - Final grades work, web page updates.
- 29 Nov - 5 Dec - PARCELS work, CS 5244 final exam and project
grading, Kalervo Jarvelin comes to visit. Submission of final
grades. Moderation of grades from 5224.
- 22 - 28 Nov - PARCELS work (using ant for building, javadoc
targets, maxent integration)
- 15 - 21 Nov - fixing URL classifier for nguyent6, PARCELS work,
computer cluster debugging/fixing, installed CRF 1.1, pagerank
extractor on used for meurlin base. Setting up
PARCELS for production deployment.
- 8 - 14 Nov - Conference trip: CIKM/WIDM 2004 (Washington, D.C.),
practice poster session held by qiul
- 1 - 7 Nov - Preparing WWW submission, skipping WWW submission
(for now), proofreading theses, editing TREC slides
- 25 - 31 Oct - last course slide preparation on new media
- 18 - 24 Oct - Correcting bugs in lincSearch. Video query
analysis. Enabling samba sharing for cte. Consolidation of
meurlin research. Trying maxent with meurlin. Editing HYP and
UROP theses.
- 11 - 17 Oct - Covering ooiwt and chuats classes. Preparing
lecture on patterns of use. Coding wtFetch. Proofing papers.
Training case insensitive tagger.
- 4 - 10 Oct - HCII submission done.
- 27 Sep - 3 Oct - Finished downloading catalog data from the NUS
training server. Grading survey papers.
- 20 - 26 Sep - mail configuration for aye now stable (hopefully).
Grading 5244 midterms. Constructing answer key for midterm.
Copying corpora tools over to cte
- 13 - 19 Sep - Reading Machine Learning text by Tom Mitchell.
Grading 5244 midterms. Preparation for lecture, proofreading
papers. ecp.ddns, and pie.ddns and mail configuration (still)
for aye. aye.ddns becomes aye.
- 6 - 12 Sep - LDAP and SMB setup for cte, 5244 midterm prep and
execution. Updating
kernel on aye.ddns. LDAP finally working, unencrypted. NFS
service between cte and aye working. Login and group
information now stored in LDAP. Finalizing WIDM camera-ready
- 30 Aug - 5 Sep - further cte.ddns set-up, installation of Fedora
Core 2 on ecp.ddns and pie.ddns. Preparation of 5244 midterm.
Preparation of publication lists and dossier. Forwarding old
mail to gmail. WIDM paper work.
- 23 - 29 Aug - cte.ddns server set-up: raid, eth1, rack install,
iptables, and sshd. Personal leave. Preparation for survey
paper topics and class.
- 16 - 22 Aug - Chime text slide preparation, aye mail server
debugging (still not entirely fixed). MM 04 paper re-work
(again!). MeURLin hierarchical classification work. Database
connectivity. Mailing lists for wing and chimetext set up.
- 9 - 15 Aug - Course preparation for second session. Huffman
Encoding slides. First lecture for 5244. Finished short paper
for D-Lib, submitted to Alexia. Hierarchical IC segmenter
developed for MeURLin.
- 2 - 8 Aug - Lecture for Week 0 cancelled. Working on evaluation
of known item queries. Starting paper intended for D-Lib.
- 26 Jul - 1 Aug - Preparing for class. Migration of email to
gmail. Gmail quick reference sheet compilation. Authoring of
wing evaluation page. Consultancy.
- 19 - 25 Jul - MSc thesis defense. Course preparation.
Replacement for mirror.cgi extraction done. Installation of
WordNet::Similarity done.
- 11 - 18 Jul - Editing MM 2004 with group. Got samba working for
aye (although without PAM passwd synch). Vacation
- 5 - 11 Jul - Editing MM 2004 with group. Graduation duties.
Recommendation writing.
- 28 Jun - 4 Jul - Finishing WIDM submission with Chee How.
PARCELS cotraining experiments. Hang's proposal and Workshop
paper write-up. Scheduling MM submission finalization.
- 21 - 27 Jun - Library follow-up. Reference letter writing. Visit
by Mike Chen. Working on WIDM paper. Working on cparser
annotator and cparsing maximum entropy tagging.
- 14 - 20 Jun - Minorthird installation on aye. Paperwork for POs.
Reading up on phrasal verbs. Preparation for library demo.
Library demo.
- 7 - 13 Jun - ECDL paper correction, SIGIR QA workshop revision.
Coordination with Libraries on demo.
- 31 May - 6 Jun - Lego PO follow up. Reimbursements from trip.
RAID server follow up. Updating RPNLPIR with proceedings.
Write-up for CDTL. Reading.
- 24 - 30 May - vacation leave.
- 17 - 23 May - CU visit and WWW conference leave.
- 10 - 16 May - Reading AI book. Finished review of a MSc thesis.
Installing tools on aye. Review of distributional clustering
work. Poster prep and printing for WWW. Talk with Bressan
- 3 - 9 May - SMS corpus release. Practice talks for
WWW/LREC. Coling reviews. Poster prep for WWW. Coding of
image scraper.
- 26 Apr - 2 May - Grading of 3243 final. Vetting of 4248 grades.
Restructure home page. Canonicalize howyijue's sms corpus.
- 19 - 25 Apr - WWW poster final submission. WWW poster
preparation. (DUDL 04) - book chapter camera ready submission.
Invigilation of final exam. Grading of 3243 final.
- 12 - 18 Apr - MM paper editing and submission. Submission of HW #2 grades.
- 5 - 11 Apr - Holiday trip. HYP grading. QE grading.
- 29 Mar - 4 Apr - MM paper coordination and editing. Reviewing
for INLG. Reading for HYP. Grading HW #2N.
- 22 - 28 Mar - Final poster submission for WWW 2004. Final book
chapter submission for DUDL. Last lecture.
- 15 - 21 Mar - Robotics Demos for HW # 2. Grading HW#2R.
Preparing HW #2 Survey. Meeting with battery vendor. Adding
Naive Bayes to tutorial questions.
- 8 - 14 Mar - Preparing ICITI proposal.
- 1 - 7 Mar - Preparing 3243 Final Exam.
- 23 - 29 Feb -
- 16 - 22 Feb - Biomedical IE seminar at I2R.
- 9 - 15 Feb - CS 3243 midterm formulation and grading. HW #1
preparation. Robotic Kit teaching budget proposal preparation.
- 2 - 8 Feb -
- 26 Jan - 1 Feb: SIGIR submission with Hang. HW #1 bug fixing. SIGIR poster preparation. HW #2 NLP parts preparation.
- 19 - 25 Jan: JCDL poster paper complete for lyric alignment. Optional lecture material preparation.
- 12 - 18 Jan: Second week of lecture. HW #1 compiliation finished. SIGIR editing. Lyric alignment research.
- 5 - 11 Jan: First week of lecture. HW #1 formulation. SIGIR editing.
- 1 - 4 Jan: Preparing for class. HW #1 formulation. SIGIR submission with Hang.
Min-Yen Kan <>
Created on: Mon Jan 5 17:54:23 2004
| Version: 1.0
| Last modified:
Tue Jan 4 11:11:17 2005