- Yijue How and Min-Yen Kan
School of Computing, National University of Singapore
- Over 24 billion in 2002
- 100 million sent on 2005 Lunar New Year Eve in China alone
- Problem
- Input is difficult
- How to make input easier?
- Make keystrokes more efficient
- Ease cognitive load
- Write English messages using only 12 keys
- 1-to-1 mapping of letters to keys not possible
- Need more than one keystroke to type a letter
- We review current approaches and propose improvements using corpus-based
- Key remapping
- Word prediction
- Key point: how to measure performance?
- Keystroke Level Model
- (Better) Operation Level Model
- On actual SMS text
- Many approaches. Among most
- Multi-tap
- Press key multiple times to reach desired letter
- 3 × “c” + wait + “a” + “t” = “cat”
- Tegic T1
- Use frequency of English words to place most likely alternatives first
- Use a next key to indicate next alternative
- 2 × “ba” + “act” + next = “cat”
- Common feature:
- Use one key for space (e.g., 0), another for symbols (e.g., 1), so less
than 12 keys
- Corpus Collection
- Evaluation: KLM vs. OLM
- Benchmark entry methods
- Key Remapping
- Word Prediction
- Formal English is not SMS text
- Closer to chatroom language
- Most published research uses English text
- Lack of publicly available corpora
- NUS SMS corpus
- Medium scale (10K) messages
- Demonstrates breadth and depth
- Corpus of messages from college students
- Keystroke Level Model (Card et al. 83)
- Used previously in SMS (Dunlop and Crossan 00, Kieras 01)
- Problem: keystrokes are weighted equally
- We developed an Operation Level Model
- Similar to (Pavlovch and Stuerzlinger 04)
- Tie keystrokes to one of 13 operation types
- (e.g.,
- enter a symbol = MPSymK,
- directional keypad move = MPDirK,
- press a different key to enter a letter = MPAlphaK
- press a same key to enter a letter = RPAlphaK
- Reach home @ ard 930
- Reach_ 5 MPAlphaK, 1 RPAlphaK
- home_ 4 MPAlphaK, 1RPAlphaK, 1 MPNextK
- @_ 1 1MPAlphaK , 1 MPSymK, 1 MPDirK, 1MPSelectK
- ard_ 1 InsertWord, 4 MPAlphaK,
- 2 RPAlphaK
- 930 3 MPHAlphaK
- Derive timings for each operation by videotaping novice and expert users
- Chose messages with wide variety of operations
- Corpus Collection
- Evaluation: KLM vs. OLM
- Benchmark:
- Baseline: Tegic T1
- Improvement: Key Remapping
- Improvement: Word Prediction
- For each of the 10K messages:
- Calculate KLM and OLM timing for message entry
- Average over total for both novices and experts
- Baseline: Tegic T1 (based on 2004 Nokia phone)
- Need to know order of alternative words
- E.g., 6334 = “good” next “home”
- Reverse-engineered dictionary
- Results:
- 74 keystrokes (average KLM)
- 74 seconds (average OLM)
- 59.7 and 149.56 for expert / novice OLM
- Shuffle the keyboard (similar to Tulsidas 02)
- Too many combinations: ~1.5 x 1019
- Use Genetic Algorithms to search space
- Swapping letter to key assignments per generation
- Keep “best” keyboards (e.g, have lowest average input times by OLM)
- Result:
- Average 15.7% reduction in time needed
- Due to reduction in next key presses
- Allows completion of partially-spelled word
- Similar to ZiCorp’s eZiText
- Our model:
- Select w with highest conditional
probability given evidence from:
- Current word’s key sequence
- Previous word
- Display a single prediction only when confident
- Cycle through completions based on confidence
- Writing: Meet at home later
- So far: Meet at in
- 46* = in, go, got, how, god, good, home, ink, hold, holiday …
- P (home | at, 46) > threshold
- P (in | at, 46) < threshold
- …
- Display: Meet at in
- home
- Result: 14.1% savings in time (OLM)
- Compare with 60% in early work on PDAs (Masui 98)
- Both methods complement each other
- Allows up to 21.8% average time savings
- Remapping improves slightly more than word completion
- May be caused by conservative word completion strategy
- Doesn’t account for cognitive
- Remapping is hard to learn
- Codec in development
- Regular Text to SMS / chat Text
- Speeding up Named Entity entry
- = People, places, times and
- Can save 20+% time in entering SMSes
- Use corpus to drive and benchmark optimization
- Evaluation using OLM (finer than KLM)
- Public SMS corpus available (ongoing work)
- See Yijue How’s thesis for more details and additional experiments
- Google: “SMS Corpus”
- 15 minutes
- 2 to 3 minutes for questions