Optimizing predictive text entry for
mobile phone short messages (SMS)
Yijue How and Min-Yen Kan

School of Computing, National University of Singapore

Short Message Service
Over 24 billion in 2002
100 million sent on 2005 Lunar New Year Eve in China alone
Input is difficult
How to make input easier?
Make keystrokes more efficient
Ease cognitive load

Problem Statement
Write English messages using only 12 keys
1-to-1 mapping of letters to keys not possible
Need more than one keystroke to type a letter
We review current approaches and propose improvements using corpus-based methods
 Key remapping
 Word prediction
Key point: how to measure performance?
Keystroke Level Model
(Better) Operation Level Model
On actual SMS text

Current approaches
Many approaches.  Among most popular:
Press key multiple times to reach desired letter
3 ×          “c” + wait +           “a” +            “t” = “cat”
Tegic T1
Use frequency of English words to place most likely alternatives first
Use a  next  key to indicate next alternative
2 ×          “ba”  +           “act” + next = “cat”
Common feature:
Use one key for space (e.g., 0), another for symbols (e.g., 1), so less than 12 keys

Corpus Collection
Evaluation: KLM vs. OLM
Benchmark entry methods
 Key Remapping
 Word Prediction

SMS Corpus
Formal English is not SMS text
Closer to chatroom language
Most published research uses English text
Lack of publicly available corpora
NUS SMS corpus
Medium scale (10K) messages
Demonstrates breadth and depth
Corpus of messages from college students

Evaluation Models
Keystroke Level Model (Card et al. 83)
Used previously in SMS (Dunlop and Crossan 00, Kieras 01)
Problem: keystrokes are weighted equally
We developed an Operation Level Model
Similar to (Pavlovch and Stuerzlinger 04)
Tie keystrokes to one of 13 operation types
enter a symbol = MPSymK,
directional keypad move = MPDirK,
press a different key to enter a letter = MPAlphaK
press a same key to enter a letter = RPAlphaK

Using OLM to derive times
Reach home @ ard 930
Reach_ 5 MPAlphaK, 1 RPAlphaK
home_ 4 MPAlphaK, 1RPAlphaK, 1 MPNextK
@_ 1 1MPAlphaK , 1 MPSymK, 1 MPDirK, 1MPSelectK
ard_ 1 InsertWord, 4 MPAlphaK,
2 RPAlphaK
930 3 MPHAlphaK
Derive timings for each operation by videotaping novice and expert users
Chose messages with wide variety of operations

Corpus Collection
Evaluation: KLM vs. OLM
Baseline: Tegic T1
Improvement: Key Remapping
Improvement: Word Prediction

Methodology and Baseline
For each of the 10K messages:
Calculate KLM and OLM timing for message entry
Average over total for both novices and experts
Baseline: Tegic T1 (based on 2004 Nokia phone)
Need to know order of alternative words
E.g., 6334 = “good” next “home”
Reverse-engineered dictionary
74 keystrokes (average KLM)
74 seconds (average OLM)
59.7 and 149.56 for expert / novice OLM

Key Remapping
Shuffle the keyboard (similar to Tulsidas 02)
Too many combinations: ~1.5 x 1019
Use Genetic Algorithms to search space
Swapping letter to key assignments per generation
Keep “best” keyboards (e.g, have lowest average input times by OLM)
Average 15.7% reduction in time needed
Due to reduction in next key presses

Predictive Word Completion
Allows completion of partially-spelled word
Similar to ZiCorp’s eZiText
Our model:
Select w with highest conditional
probability given evidence from:
 Current word’s key sequence
 Previous word
Display a single prediction only when confident
Cycle through completions based on confidence

Example and Result
Writing: Meet at home later
So far:  Meet at in
46* = in, go, got, how, god, good, home, ink, hold, holiday …
P (home | at, 46) > threshold
P (in | at, 46) < threshold
Display:  Meet at in
Result: 14.1% savings in time (OLM)
Compare with 60% in early work on PDAs (Masui 98)

Combining methods
Both methods complement each other
Allows up to 21.8% average time savings
Remapping improves slightly more than word completion
May be caused by conservative word completion strategy

Future Work
 Doesn’t account for cognitive load
Remapping is hard to learn
 Codec in development
Regular Text to SMS / chat Text
Speeding up Named Entity entry
=   People, places, times and dates

Can save 20+% time in entering SMSes
Use corpus to drive and benchmark optimization
Evaluation using OLM (finer than KLM)
Public SMS corpus available (ongoing work)
See Yijue How’s thesis for more details and additional experiments
Google: “SMS Corpus”

Backup Slides

Guidelines for talk
15 minutes
2 to 3 minutes for questions