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Passage Retrieval in Question Answering

Density Based Passage Retrieval Method
However, density based can err when …

Our Solution
Examine the relationship between words
Dependency relations
Exact match of relations for answer extraction
Has low recall because same relations are often phrased differently
Fuzzy match of dependency relationship
Statistical similarity of relations

Measuring Sentence Similarity

Extracting and Paring Relation Paths
Measuring Path Match Scores
Learning Relation Mapping Scores

Extracting and Paring Relation Paths
Measuring Path Match Scores
Learning Relation Mapping Scores

What Dependency Parsing is Like
Minipar (Lin, 1998) for dependency parsing
Dependency tree
Nodes: words/chunks in the sentence
Edges (ignoring the direction): labeled by relation types

Extracting Relation Paths
Relation path
Vector of relations between two nodes in the tree

Paired Paths from Question and Answer

Extracting and Paring Relation Paths
Measuring Path Match Scores
Learning Relation Mapping Scores

Measuring Path Match Degree
Employ a variation of IBM Translation Model 1
Path match degree (similarity) as translation probability
MatchScore (PQ, PS) → Prob (PS | PQ )
Relations as words
Why IBM Model 1?
No “word order” – bag of undirected relations
No need to estimate “target sentence length”
Relation paths are determined by the parsing tree

Calculating Translation Probability (Similarity) of Paths

Extracting and Paring Relation Paths
Measuring Path Match Scores
Learning Relation Mapping Scores

Training and Testing

Approach 1: MI Based
Measures bipartite co-occurrences in training path pairs
Accounts for path length (penalize those long paths)
Uses frequencies to approximate mutual information

Approach 2: EM Based
Employ the training method from IBM Model 1
Relation mapping scores = word translation probability
Utilize GIZA to accomplish training
Iteratively boosting the precision of relation translation probability
Initialization – assign 1 to identical relations and a small constant otherwise

Extracting and Paring Relation Paths
Measuring Path Match Scores
Learning Relation Mapping Scores
Can relation matching help?
Can fuzzy match perform better than exact match?
Can long questions benefit more?
Can relation matching work on top of query expansion?

Evaluation Setup
Training data
3k corresponding path pairs from 10k QA pairs (TREC-8, 9)
Test data
324 factoid questions from TREC-12 QA task
Passage retrieval on top 200 relevant documents by TREC

Comparison Systems
MITRE –baseline
Stemmed word overlapping
Baseline in previous work on passage retrieval evaluation
SiteQ – top performing density based method
using 3 sentence window
Similar to SiteQ, but using sentences as passages
Strict Matching of Relations
Simulate strict matching in previous work for answer selection
Counting the number of exactly matched paths
Relation matching are applied on top of MITRE and NUS

Evaluation Metrics
Mean reciprocal rank (MRR)
Measure the mean rank position of the correct answer in the returned rank list
On the top 20 returned passages
Percentage of questions with incorrect answers
Precision at the top one passage

Performance Evaluation
All improvements are statistically significant (p<0.001)
MI and EM do not make much difference given our training data
EM needs more training data
MI is more susceptible to noise, so may not scale well

Performance Variation to Question Length
Long questions, with more paired paths, tend to improve more
Using the number of non-trivial question terms to approximate question length

Error Analysis
Mismatch of question terms
e.g. In which city is the River Seine
Introduce question analysis
Paraphrasing between the question and the answer sentence
e.g. write the book → be the author of the book
Most of current techniques fail to handle it
Finding paraphrasing via dependency parsing (Lin and Pantel)

Performance on Top of Query Expansion
On top of query expansion, fuzzy relation matching brings a further 50% improvement
query expansion doesn’t help much on a fuzzy relation matching system
Expansion terms do not help in paring relation paths

Extracting and Paring Relation Paths
Measuring Path Match Scores
Learning Relation Mapping Scores

Proposed a novel fuzzy relation matching method for factoid QA passage retrieval
Brings dramatic 70%+ improvement over the state-of-the-art systems
Brings further 50% improvement over query expansion
Future QA systems should bring in relations between words for better performance
Query expansion should be integrated to relation matching seamlessly

Q & A