- Looking for
“Journal of housing
for the elderly”
- Tries using the default
keyword search
- But lots of results doesn’t
necessary equate with
finding the item …
- Slone (2000) categorizes three types of queries:
- Known Item: find a title that patron knows exists
- Area: identify area of library for certain resources
- Unknown Item: identify resources to solve problem or address issue
- Kilgour has noted effectiveness of author / title combination
- Up to 50% of keyword searches are known item queries (Larson, 91)
- despite having entry points for author, title and subject search
- Partial answers normally don’t help in known item search – either you
find the item or you don’t
- Two tasks:
- Query classification: is this query searching for a known item?
- Search result classification: which, if any, of the search results are
the known item(s) sought?
- Use supervised machine learning to solve problem
- Known Item Queries (KIQs)
- Data Collection
- Features of KIQs
- Evaluation
- Conclusions
- Used queries drawn from local OPAC query collection
- Anonymized, sessioned queries
- Over 290K queries, purposefully sampled for a wide array of query
- 320 resulting queries were judged by 9 participants; 1500 item
- Most queries annotated by two participants
- Tasks:
- Query Judgment
- Query Judgment,
with search results
- Search Results
- Participants graded on a 9-point Likert scale
- We also simplified scale to a binary class
(1-2 → yes; 3-9 → no)
- Let’s look at two examples:
- Practical digital libraries
- Practical digital archiving
- Query judgments are subjective, may depend on subject familiarity. Thus,
we calculate inter-judge agreement to:
- establish whether the tasks are well-defined
- establish performance upper bound
- Data analysis:
- Relatively strong correlation (mostly above .6)
- Stronger correlation with search results shown; easier task with more
- Most search results are not known items, high correlation for the final
- Known Item Queries (KIQs)
- Data Collection
- Features of KIQs
- Query features
- Search result features
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Two examples:
- Hill Raymond Coding Theory – A First Course
- japan and cultural
- Distinguishing characteristics:
- Longer: cut-and-paste, copying from a reference
- Mixed Case
- Determiners: not present in unknown item or area searches
- Proper Nouns: specific subjects or author names
- Advanced Operators: title or author restrictions
- Keywords: indicative of a type of publication e.g., “journal”,
“textbook”, “course”
- Use POS tagging to create a total of 16 features that embody these
- Idea: Model KIQ as a separate “language” from non-KIQs
- Model: simple bigram language model
- Create a language model for each point on scale or each class
- Then, test new query’s goodness of fit to LMs:
- Constructing a language model with only 320 annotated instances is small
- Usual language models use millions of examples
- Try bootstrapping a model
- Use a sample’s annotation and apply to all in sample’s it represents
- More data, but also more noise
- What about when we have search results?
- We look at the pairing of search results and the queries that generated
- Characteristics of query-search result pairs:
- Sequence of words overlap significantly
- First and last positions are particularly important
- Publication keyword match
- Higher number of relevant search results
- Judge the fitness of a system translation with a reference translation
- examine multiple granularities of n-gram overlap
- BLEU – normalized between 0-1
- NIST – only uses trigrams
- Use these features to model subtle overlap properties
- Known Item Queries (KIQs)
- Data Collection
- Features of KIQs
- Evaluation
- Conclusions
- Use Waikato’s Weka Machine Learning Toolkit:
- Decision Trees (J48 module): for their understandability in their
- Support vector machines (SVM, SMO module): for their robustness and
general performance
- Compare versus majority baseline (lower bound); and interjudge agreement
(upper bound)
- Route patrons to intended search results faster
- KIQs: Turn off fancy footwork: no query expansion, spelling correction
- If we have it, skip to circulation info
- If we don’t, show alternatives:
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
- Suggest to purchase
- First such work to demonstrate an automated system that does query and
search result classification
- System performance tied to human performance
- Known item search possibly more important than unknown item search
- Often we want to recall where something is
- Known items are subjective; one searcher’s known item is another’s
- Extending query classification to other areas
- E.g., the Web (Levinson and Rose, 2003)
- Extending to user query patterns
- Take advantage of sessioned query logs
- Thanks to the NUS library staff for their cooperation with our
- Especially Ng Kok Koon and Yow Wei Chui
- Thanks for sticking it out till the end …
- Questions?
- Five minutes later … stumped!