Slide 1

A scenario
Looking for
“Journal of housing
for the elderly”
Tries using the default
keyword search
But lots of results doesn’t
necessary equate with
finding the item …

OPAC Query Types
Slone (2000) categorizes three types of queries:
Known Item: find a title that patron knows exists
Area: identify area of library for certain resources
Unknown Item: identify resources to solve problem or address issue

Importance of Known Item Queries
Kilgour has noted effectiveness of author / title combination
Up to 50% of keyword searches are known item queries (Larson, 91)
despite having entry points for author, title and subject search
Partial answers normally don’t help in known item search – either you find the item or you don’t

Problem Statement
Two tasks:
Query classification: is this query searching for a known item?
Search result classification: which, if any, of the search results are the known item(s) sought?
Use supervised machine learning to solve problem

Learning Architecture

Known Item Queries (KIQs)
Data Collection
Features of KIQs

Data Collection
Used queries drawn from local OPAC query collection
Anonymized, sessioned queries
Over 290K queries, purposefully sampled for a wide array of query characteristics
320 resulting queries were judged by 9 participants; 1500 item judgments
Most queries annotated by two participants

 Data Collection
Query Judgment
Query Judgment,
with search results
Search Results

Participants graded on a 9-point Likert scale
We also simplified scale to a binary class
(1-2 → yes; 3-9 → no)
Let’s look at two examples:
Practical digital libraries
Practical digital archiving
Query judgments are subjective, may depend on subject familiarity. Thus, we calculate inter-judge agreement to:
establish whether the tasks are well-defined
establish performance upper bound

Agreement levels
Data analysis:
Relatively strong correlation (mostly above .6)
Stronger correlation with search results shown; easier task with more information
Most search results are not known items, high correlation for the final task

Known Item Queries (KIQs)
Data Collection
Features of KIQs
Query features
Search result features

Query Classification Features
Two examples:
Hill Raymond Coding Theory – A First Course
japan and cultural
Distinguishing characteristics:
Longer: cut-and-paste, copying from a reference
Mixed Case
Determiners: not present in unknown item or area searches
Proper Nouns: specific subjects or author names
Advanced Operators: title or author restrictions
Keywords: indicative of a type of publication e.g., “journal”, “textbook”, “course”
Use POS tagging to create a total of 16 features that embody these characteristics

 Language Modeling
Idea: Model KIQ as a separate “language” from non-KIQs
Model: simple bigram language model
Create a language model for each point on scale or each class
Then, test new query’s goodness of fit to LMs:

Constructing a language model with only 320 annotated instances is small
Usual language models use millions of examples
Try bootstrapping a model
Use a sample’s annotation and apply to all in sample’s it represents
More data, but also more noise

Features with search results
What about when we have search results?
We look at the pairing of search results and the queries that generated them.
Characteristics of query-search result pairs:
Sequence of words overlap significantly
First and last positions are particularly important
Publication keyword match
Higher number of relevant search results

Judge the fitness of a system translation with a reference translation
examine multiple granularities of n-gram overlap
BLEU – normalized between 0-1
NIST – only uses trigrams
Use these features to model subtle overlap properties

Known Item Queries (KIQs)
Data Collection
Features of KIQs

Machine Learning Paradigms
Use Waikato’s Weka Machine Learning Toolkit:
Decision Trees (J48 module): for their understandability in their hypotheses
Support vector machines (SVM, SMO module): for their robustness and general performance
Compare versus majority baseline (lower bound); and interjudge agreement (upper bound)

Task 1: Query Classification

Task 2: Query Classification w/ search results

Task 3: Query Results Classification

Applications of Classifiers
Route patrons to intended search results faster
KIQs: Turn off fancy footwork: no query expansion, spelling correction
If we have it, skip to circulation info
If we don’t, show alternatives:
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Suggest to purchase

First such work to demonstrate an automated system that does query and search result classification
System performance tied to human performance
Known item search possibly more important than unknown item search
Often we want to recall where something is
Known items are subjective; one searcher’s known item is another’s unknown

Future Work and Acknowledgments
Extending query classification to other areas
E.g., the Web (Levinson and Rose, 2003)
Extending to user query patterns
Take advantage of sessioned query logs
Thanks to the NUS library staff for their cooperation with our research!!
Especially Ng Kok Koon and Yow Wei Chui
Thanks for sticking it out till the end …

Consulting the librarian
Five minutes later … stumped!