Slide 1
Patterns Are Everywhere
Two Methods of Pattern
Hard Matching |
Rule induction |
Generalizing training instances
into regular expression represented rules |
Performing slot by slot
matching |
Soft Matching |
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) |
Soft pattern matching for
definitional QA (Cui et al., 2004) |
Hard Matching
Lack of flexibility in
matching |
Can’t deal with gaps between
rules and test instances |
Soft Matching (Cui et
al., 2004)
…… The channel Iqra is owned by
the …
…… severance packages, known as golden
parachutes, included ……
A battery is a cell which can
provide electricity. |
Weakness of Current Soft
Matching Models
Ad-hoc in model parameter
estimation |
Cui et al., 2004: Lack of
formalization |
Not generic |
Task specific topology for HMM |
Difficult to port to other
applications |
In This Paper …
Propose two generic soft
pattern models |
Bigram model |
Formalization of our previous
model |
Profile Hidden Markov Model
(PHMM) |
More complex model that handles
gaps better |
Parameter estimation by EM
algorithm |
Evaluations on definitional
question answering |
Can be applied to other pattern
matching applications |
Overview of Definitional QA |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model |
Evaluations |
Conclusions |
Overview of Definitional QA |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model |
Evaluations |
Conclusions |
Definitional QA
To answer questions like “Who
is Gunter Blobel” or “What is Wicca”. |
Why evaluating on definition
sentence retrieval? |
Diverse patterns |
Definitional QA is one of the
least explored areas in QA |
Pattern Matching for
Definitional QA
Overview of Definitional QA |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model |
Evaluations |
Conclusions |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model
To estimate the interpolation
mixture weight λ |
Expectation Maximization (EM)
algorithm |
Count words and general tags
separately |
Avoid overwhelming frequency
count of general tags |
Bigram Model in Dealing
with Gaps
Bigram model can deal with gaps |
Unseen tokens have small
smoothing probabilities in specific positions |
Overview of Definitional QA |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model |
Evaluations |
Conclusions |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model
Better solution for dealing
with gaps |
Left to right Hidden Markov
Model with insertion and deletion states |
How PHMM Deals with Gaps
Calculating generative
probability given a test instance |
Find the most probable path by
Viterbi algorithm |
Efficient calculation by
forward-backward algorithm |
Estimation of PHMM
Estimated by Baum-Welch
algorithm |
Using the most probable path
during training |
Random or uniform
initialization may lead to unsatisfactory model |
Extreme diversity of definition
patterns and not sufficient training data |
Assume path should favor match
states over others |
P( token | Match ) > P ( token
| Insertion ) |
Using smoothed ML estimates |
Overview of Definitional QA |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model |
Evaluations |
Overall performance evaluation |
Sensitivity to model length |
Sensitivity to size of training
data |
Conclusions |
Evaluation Setup
Data set |
Test data: TREC-13 question
answering task data |
AQUAINT corpus and 64
definition questions with answers |
Training data |
761 manually labeled definition
sentences from TREC-12 question answering task data |
Comparison systems |
State-of-the-art manually
constructed patterns |
Most comprehensive manually
constructed patterns to our knowledge |
Previously proposed soft
pattern in Cui et al., 2004 |
Evaluation Metrics
Manually checked F3 measure |
Based on essential/acceptable
answer nuggets |
NR – proportion of returned
essential answer nuggets |
NP – penalty to longer answers |
Weighting NR 3 times as NP |
Subject to inconsistent scoring
among assessors |
Automatic ROUGE score |
Gold standard: sentences
containing answer nuggets |
Counting the trigrams shared in
the gold standard and system answers |
ROUGE-3-ALL (R3A) and
Performance Evaluation
Soft pattern matching
outperforms hard matching |
Bigram and PHMM models perform
better than the previously proposed soft pattern method |
Previous soft pattern method is
not optimized |
Manual F3 scores correlate well
with automatic R3 scores |
Sensitivity to Model
PHMM is less sensitive to model
length |
PHMM may handle longer
sequences |
Sensitivity to the Amount
of Training Data
PHMM requires more training
data to improve |
Discussions on Both
Capture the same information |
The importance of a token’s
position in the context of the search term |
The sequential order of tokens |
Different in complexity |
Bigram model |
Simplified Markov model with
each token as a state |
Captures token sequential
information by bigram probabilities |
PHMM model |
More complex – aggregated token
sequential information by hidden state transition probabilities |
Experimental results show |
PHMM is less sensitive to model
length |
PHMM may benefit more by using
more training data |
Overview of Definitional QA |
Bigram Soft Pattern Model |
PHMM Soft Pattern Model |
Evaluations |
Conclusions |
Proposed Bigram model and PHMM
model |
Generic in the forms |
Systematic parameter estimation
by EM algorithm |
These two models can be applied
to other applications using surface text patterns |
Soft patterns have been applied
to information extraction (Xiao et al., 2004) |
PHMM is more flexible in
dealing with gaps, but requires more training data to converge |
Q & A