FEEDBACK ON EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN IC1101S/2S ================================================ (NOTE: This is NOT a survey on how difficult the course is, but more the educational experience you have in this course and how it compares with the educational experience in our other modules.) Here are partial compilation of the feedback returned to me. I have collected and averaged the numerical scores and only began to compile the written (typed) comments. Wee Yeh is helping me on that and lets hope he gets done with it soon. A. COURSE CONTENT -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) How do you find the coverage and breadth of the course? 1. lacking 2. not broad enough 3. comprehensive 4. too broad 4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,3,3,3,3,4 (83/26 = 3.2) Findings: (Comprehensive, maybe a little-on-the-broad-side) Comment: BUT, this is part of the intention of the course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Did we explore each of the topics covered in sufficient depth? 1. too shallow 2. not deep enough 3. reasonable 4. too deep 3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,2,2,3,4,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,3,3 (75/26 = 2.9) Findings: (Reasonable) Comment: Given a braoder scope, it is hard to cover everything in great depth, but I hope reasonable means enough for you to understand it, appreciate it, or to arouse your curiousity... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Was there sufficient supplementary course material provided during the course (online or otherwise) to facilitate understanding of the content? 1. too little 2. not enough 3. sufficient 4. too much 3,2,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,1,3,2,3,3,2,3 (69/26 = 2.7) Findings: (Sufficient, but maybe-slightly-on-the-little-side) Comment: The SICP book is a very good book, but it cannot cover everything in great depth. Part of the course is also about learning WHAT to learn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Please give suggestion you have for improving the course content. (And on improvement the educational experience.) Write as much as you can. But please write something. --------------------------------------- I think we should spend more time on some difficult topics in order to let student to undersdand them. And some easy topics just need less time. --------------------------------------- pace is a bit too fast and thus making things difficult to understand... --------------------------------------- Don't rush things, let us have time to absorb. Better if we understand than to rush through everything. --------------------------------------- > If I was the following schemer,I hope I can get more feedback > from our hardwork-ed problem set.It's even better if we can get > some model or at least worth-suggesting program for each problem. --------------------------------------- I think the Java part is quite useful. For a beginner in computer science who doesn't know any computer languages, he should not only learn a specific language, but know some basics of other languages so that he can make a comparison, and then get further understanding of the language he is learning. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ B. COURSE DELIVERY --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Was the four-tier system of lecture, recitation, tutorial and open labs suitable for the delivery of the course content? 1. unsuitable 2. not good enough 3. good enough 4. excellent 4,3,4,2,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,4,3 (80/25 = 3.2) Findings: (Definitely Good enough, maybe-even-slightly-excellent) Comment: You folks are definitely LUCKY to enjoy the resources pumped into this course. -------------------------------------- > Why don't we have prcactical exam?I think it's a good way to test > our IQ and EQ.Otherwise we probably spend quite a long time to do > the PS-I mean sometimes s a waste of time-since we don't need to hand it in in 2 or 3 hours -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Did we have sufficient interaction hours for the course? 1. little if any 2. not enough 3. enough 4. too much 2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,3,2 (66/25 = 2.6) Findings: (Generally enough, for some not-enough) Comment: Are you folks shy or what? Many staff complain about having to "kill the flies" during their consultation hours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) We have noticed that staff consultation hours and open labs were not very well utilised. What opinions do you have on why this might be so? --------------------------------------- > I think discussion around ourselves is enough. --------------------------------------- many prefer to do in halls/home. not much discussion involved when doing labs between students. --------------------------------------- Perhaps for open labs, we do not have the time, and many of us to work during our free hours which is diff from the open labs hrs For the consultation, I think probably because TAs are very are very approachable and are always there ready to help. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- C. OVERALL COURSE EXPERIENCE ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Do you think you have effectively understood the course material? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 not at all very much 8,7,7,6,5,9,5,7,5,3,6,8,8,7,2,6,6,7,6,5,5,7,7,7,6 (155/25 = 6.2) Findings: (Generally understood the course, but not mastered it.) Comment: Mostly above 6, some.... welll.... ------------------------------------ Comments:___Quite_abstract. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Do you feel you have benefited academically from the course? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 not at all very much 10,7,8,8,10,10,6,10,8,4,6,7,9,7,3,8,7,8,8,5,8,8,9,9,7 (190/25 = 7.6) Findings: (Generally benefited quite a lot from the course.) Comment: Glad most people have benefited -- all the hard work put in by staff and you all are worth it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Did the course inspire you to explore the topics in greater depth or spur you to seek out new knowledge? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 not at all very much 8,5,6,8,7,7,3,5,7,2,6,5,7,5,5,8,5,9,5,5,7,7,6,5,4 (147/25 = 5.9) Findings: (Generally has inspired you.) Comment: But many said you have NO TIME to pursue this inspiration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Based on your experience and whatever you know about IC1101J/2J, in what ways do you think they are different from IC1101S/2J? We value your own opinions. --------------------------------------- > IC1101s/2s are more difficult than IC1101J/2J. They cover more knowledge than Java. We do more exercises than them. --------------------------------------- we learn much more things --------------------------------------- I like the student-to-tutor ratio, we get sufficient attention and easier for the tutors to monitor our progress. Also it is a better course to start with for beginners who don't know much about computers than the java course. We learn more about problem-solving than worrying about the syntax in the java course. We build up a better foundation. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Overall Comments on the educational experience in IC1101S/2S --------------------------------------- This is the first course about Computer that I have learned. It give me a good start point of learning Computer Science. It gives me a overall view about Com.Sci. In this cource, I learned a lot, really! --------------------------------------- A good and fun course. --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------