Fun and Programming with Scratch

(A Workshop for code::XtremeApps::2010 Junior Category)
May-June 2010

by Leong Hon Wai
Department of Computer Science
National University of Singapore

This mini-site is used to distribute the slides, notes and programs that I used for my Scratch workshop in May/June 2010.

About the Code::XtremeApps::2010 Junior Competition

Scratch Training for Teams in CXA Junior Category, 31-May, 1-2 June-2010, @NYGH

About Scratch

Scratch Workshop for Mentors, 21-May-2010, @NYGH

Feedback: I did not give out any feedback form on that day, but I would like to have your informal feedback from you. Please feel free to write.

Leong Hon Wai, School of Computing, NUS.

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