Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: Li Shuaicheng (lishuaic) Leave Period: In China from 20 Nov 97 to 17 Dec 1997 Project Title: Vessel Packing using Mathematical Programming Course: CS2288 Description: In this project, we study the use of mathematical programming methods in solving the problem of "packing" vessels into a section of the harbour. This problem arises as a sub-problem of a larger R&D project on berth allocation of ships in a container port. We are given a collection of ships (vessels) that have to be berthed in a section (of the harbour) consisting of a set of berths. We are also given all other pertinent information such as the lengths, the arrival and departure times, and the berthing times (length of time that a vessel has to be berth) of the vessels. We want to assign the vessels to berths (long vessels may occupy more than one berth) so as to satisfy (as much as possible) the departure times of the vessels. Reference: 1. Swee Nam's Honours Project Report 2. BAPS V1.0 System Manual *3. Some information on Packing AlgorithmsSupervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: Xu Degui (xudegui) Leave Period: In China from ?? Nov 97 to ?? Dec 1997 Project Title: Simulated Annealing for the Berth Allocation Problem Course: CS2288 Description: In this project, we study the berth allocation problem (BAP). This problem arises as a sub-problem of a larger R&D project investigating the BAP. The BAP is described as follows: Vessels arriving at a container port are berthed in a section of a wharf, and the containers they ferry are then transferred to the port or to other vessels. We are interested in finding good berth allocations so as to minimize the overall movement of the containers. We currently have one solution to the BAP that uses genetic algorithm. In this project, we want to explore the use of simulated annealing for solving the Berth Allocation Problem. Reference: 1. Swee Nam's Honours Project Report 2. BAPS V1.0 System Manual 3. Chapter on Simulated Annealing from book
Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student:
-- initially by Lim Chee Kiong Project Title: Tabu Search for the Berth Allocation Problem Course: CS2288 Description: In this project, we study the berth allocation problem (BAP). This problem arises as a sub-problem of a larger R&D project investigating the BAP. The BAP is described as follows: Vessels arriving at a container port are berthed in a section of a wharf, and the containers they ferry are then transferred to the port or to other vessels. We are interested in finding good berth allocations so as to minimize the overall movement of the containers. We currently have one solution to the BAP that uses genetic algorithm. In this project, we want to explore the use of tabu search for solving the BAP. Reference: 1. Swee Nam's Honours Project Report 2. BAPS V1.0 System Manual *3. Chapter on Tabu Search from book Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: Zou Min (zoumin) Leave Period: Will be in China from 18 Nov 97 to 2 Jan 1998 Project Title: The Airport Gate Assignment Problem using Tabu Search Course: CS2288 Description: In this project, we study the Gate Assignment Problem (GAP) of allocating gates to planes arriving at the airport terminal. This problem arises as a sub-problem of a larger R&D project investigating the GAP and related problems. The GAP is described as follows: Planes arriving at an airport are assigned gates in the terminals of the airport and the passengers either go into the airport or are transferred (connected) to other flights. We are interested in finding good gate assignments so as to optimize resources and minimize the overall passenger movement. We currently have a solution to a related problem, the BAP (see my other project proposal). In this project, we want to explore the use of TABU search in the solution of the GAP. Reference: 1. Swee Nam's Honours Project Report 2. BAPS V1.0 System Manual *3. Some information on Genetic Algorithms
Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: Ho Ngai Lam (hongaila) Project Title: The Airport Gate Assignment Problem using Mathematical Programming Course: CS2288 Description: In this project, we study the Gate Assignment Problem (GAP) of allocating gates to planes arriving at the airport terminal. This problem arises as a sub-problem of a larger R&D project investigating the GAP and related problems. The GAP is described as follows: Planes arriving at an airport are assigned gates in the terminals of the airport and the passengers either go into the airport or are transferred (connected) to other flights. We are interested in finding good gate assignments so as to optimize resources and minimize the overall passenger movement. We currently have a solution to a related problem, the BAP (see my other project proposal). In this project, we want to solve the GAP using mathematical programming. Reference: 1. Swee Nam's Honours Project Report 2. BAPS V1.0 System Manual 3. Paper on GAP Some Info: Will get GAP data (arrival/departure/flight-no) from internet
Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: Leong Hoe Wai (leonghoe) Project Title: Empirical Study of Shortest Path Algorithms on Road Networks Course: CS2288 Description: The objective of this project is to study the performance of various shortest path algorithms (with different implementations) on actual road networks. The result of this empirical research will be used to make recommendations for approapriate algorithm for a related project on the Route Advisory System. Reference: 1. A book on Navigation System
Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: [incomplete] -- initially by Shih Chih Chuan Project Title: Some Applications of Clustering Systems Course: CS2288 Description: This project aims to investigate the use of clustering methods to (i) improve network design and reliability, and (ii) obtain clusters of ships for a container port berth allocation problem. For the second application, clustering will be based on the container movement matrix. Note: In a previous research project, we have developed a general Clustering System (in C on UNIX) that encompasses several well-known clustering methods. Reference: 1. Steven Quek's MSc Thesis 2. Book on Computer Network *3. Third Year Project Report
Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: [partial] -- by Desmond Cheong Project Title: Song Arrangement Problem for a Radio Station Course: CS2288 Description: Most of the playlist of radio staions in Singapore is now being generated by computer. However, the generation of these playlist does not take into account the mood of the program (eg. 1st song of every timeslot shld be fast for afternoon programms and late-nite songs can't be fast). Hence, evolve a rather insensitive method of generating the playlist. The program also does not take into consideration the popularity of certain songs and it also does not take into consideration the different styles of the different DJs. Hence... very active DJs end up playing very 'dead' songs. And late-nite programs end up playing a few selections of fast rocks. Which disturb the listening pleasure and the mood of the listeners. the recent songlist also does not take into account advertising time. Hence sometimes it will 'under-generate' songs or 'over-generate' songs.. In my project, i would like to propose alternative algorithms to make the generation of playlist more personal. And hence more effective.
Supervisor: Leong Hon Wai Student: [partial] -- initially by Neo Chee Wee Project Title: Design of Low Power Multiplexor (MUX) Course: CS2288 Description: This project deals with discrete optimization algorithms for a binary tree decomposition problem. This problem has application in the practical problem of low power design of digital circuits. Specifically, we want to decompose a large n-to-1 multiplexor (MUX) into a binary tree of 2-to-1 MUXes. The problem is to find a decomposition that optimizes the overall power consumption. (A paper describing our research work on this problem is available.) In this project, student will give *efficient* implementations of the some heuristic algorithms for the problem. Extensive experimental evaluation of these algorithms will be carried out. Possible extensions of this problem will also be explored. Reference: 1. Our MUX paper