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Student Projects Page.
Supervisor: leonghw Student: Project Title: Study of Algorithms for Multi Knapsack Problem Course: CS2288 or CS3288 Description: In this project, we study various algorithms for solving the multi knapsack problem. The multi knapsack problem is a generalization of the well known knapsack problem. We will first study well known algorithms for solving the problem and do a comparison of them. (Many of these implementations are already available.) Then the project will pursue generalization of these algorithms for solving practical problems such as one dimensional cut-stock problems.Supervisor: leonghw Student: Project Title: Customizing iRAS for Advertisement Layout System Course: CS2288 or CS3288 Description: In this project, we enhance an existing system iRAS (Interactive Rectangle pAcking System) and customize it for the purpose of newpaper advertisement layout design. The existing system, iRAS, is an incremental rectangle package (by Ku Liang Ping) written in C on Unix that implements an efficient incremental packing algorithm with animation features. In particular, some of the enhancements/customisations are: (i) to port the interface to Java or Tcl/Tk for platform independence, (ii) to fine tune the automatic packing feature of the system to customise it for newspaper advertisement packing, and (iii) (maybe) to upgrade (or rewrite) the animation engine.
Supervisor: leonghw Student: nisharah Project Title: Re-Assignment Algorithms for iBAPS Course: CS3288 Description: iBAPS - Interactive Berth Allocation Planning System -- is the interactive sub-system of the BAPS that handles dynamic re-assignment of berths to vessels in a container port. We assume that the iBAPS system maintains a current assignment of berths to vessels for the next operation time period (say a day). These includes information on the length of the vessel, the arrival time, the length of stay of the vessel and so on. The iBAPS system receives (on the fly) requests for changes in the assignment and has to service these requests. This UROP project aims to enhance the existing iBAPS system by incorporating a module for the system that can handle the problem of "bumping out" other assigned vessels to make room for the current vessel. Extensive experimental studies will also be carried out on the performance of the various reassignment algorithms.
Project WebPage
Supervisor: leonghw Student: trantuan Project Title: Vehicle Routing with Scheduling 1 Course: CS2288 or CS3288 Description: In the vehicle routing problem, we are given a set of given clients request for services at various locations around Singapore (and possibly the time window for the service to be done). The problem is to plan a series of service routes for its service personnels to "cover" all the requested services around the island. The objective consists of multiple criteria including minimizing the number of service routes, the sum of the travel distances, the travel time, etc. The objective of this project is to study this problem, select a suitable sub-problem to solve, and propose an algorithmic solution to the sub-problem. A prototype will also have to be developed as proof of concept.
See links in Tim Duncan's Page on Vehicle Routing from Michael Trick's OR Page
Supervisor: leonghw Student: liujian1 Project Title: Vehicle Routing with Scheduling 2 Course: CS2288 or CS3288 Description: In the vehicle routing problem, we are given a set of given clients request for services at various locations around Singapore (and possibly the time window for the service to be done). The problem is to plan a series of service routes for its service personnels to "cover" all the requested services around the island. The objective consists of multiple criteria including minimizing the number of service routes, the sum of the travel distances, the travel time, etc. In this research, we first study this problem, and propose a system for solving vehicle routing with scheduling. There will be two UROP projects that will study different sub-problems and propose algorithmic solutions to these sub-problems. For each project, a prototype will also have to be developed as proof of concept.
Supervisor: leonghw Student: ouyongji Project Title: Efficient Network Clustering Course: CS2288 or CS3288 Description: In this project, we want to find efficient network clusters that optimizes load distribution yet minimize interconnecion cost. We first study this issue in relation to centralized networks of terminals and then extend the results to other networks. In a previous project, some algorithms have been implemented for this problem. In this project, the aim is to enhance the project by (a) implementing a problem instance generator, (b) doing a more careful study of performance evaluation of the current implemented algorithms, and (c) study and implement more algorithms for solving the problem.
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