List of Research Projects
Leong Hon Wai, RAS-Group, SoC, NUS
Contact: leonghw at comp.nus.edu.sg
url: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~leonghw/

We do both fundamental research and software prototype development.
We look for students who are algorithmically/mathematically inclined
  and who can do good software development.
We have a very strong team culture and look for students who are team players.

This list contains some of the projects.  There are more projects of a 
similar nature.  Email me if interested.

Our lab is located in S15 03-15A -- the RAS Garage!

Title: ------ Optimization Problems in a Container Port Short Description: ------------------ The complex operations involved in the management and operation of a world-class container transshipment port in Singapore are complex and involves many different resources and systems. In this project, we undertake to study the problem of planning of some of these operations to improve their effectiveness. Initial study with the berth allocation planning system (BAPS) has produced interesting research problems and results. This project aims to continue this study by extending the current BAPS research as well as to seek new related research problems in container port operation. Number of RS: 1
Title: ------ Intelligent Search Engines for Route ADvisory System (RADS) Short Description: ------------------ In this project, we study the problem of search algorithms for the general problem of planning optimal routes in a complex multi-modal and multi-criteria transportation system with many constraints. Initial research and development has produced a successful software prototype called RADS (Route Advisory System) for bus-and-MRT public transportation. This research aims to extend this route planning research in several ways: (a) to incorporate transport by car and taxi (b) to consider dynamic route planning that considers real-time traffic congestion information, (c) to consider "park-and-ride" where the commuter will drive and park near MRT stations and continue their journey using public transportation (MRT/buses) (d) service planning problems that deals with the planning of bus service lines/routes. The focus of this research work is on design practical solutions to real problems and on prototyping these solutions as prototype software systems. Number of RS: 2
Title: ------ Rectangle Packing: Algorithms, Applications and Systems Short Description: ------------------ Rectangle packing has many applications including classified advertisement arrangement, cut-stock planning, and materials optimization. Our research group has developed several research prototype for rectangle packing. In this project, we will extend this work to look into integrate these algorithms into one rectangle packing software. We also study customized algorithms for better packing within specific application domains such as newspaper advertisement layout. We shall also research the ability to integrate workflow capabability into the system. Number of RS: 1
Title: ------ Supply-Chain Optimization in e-Logistics: Algorithms and Systems Short Description: ------------------ One of the key component of a good e-logistics supply-chain network is the optimization engine running in the back-end. The optimization engine solves various optimization problems such as aggregation and matching of supply-and-demand, the inventory routing problem that does inventory replenishment, the vehicle routing problem and so on. This project aims to research and develop efficient solutions to these supply-chain optimization problems and to develop prototype systems for these problems.
Title: ------ Algorithms for FPGA Layout Short Description: ------------------ FPGA is use widely for rapid prototyping of hardware circuits as well as for deployment in various appliances. In this project, we research the problem of algorithms for automatic layout of FPGA circuits. Number of RS: 1
Title: ------ Low Power VLSI CAD Tool Design Short Description: ------------------ Low Power Design is hottest area in VLSI CAD Tool Design with widespread use of laptops and other hand-held devices. In low power design, we are interested in designing circuits that minimizes the use of power. In this project, we research new techniques for low power circuits. Our group is currently studying Low Power Multiplexor Design. We aim to explore other related areas. Number of RS: 1
Research Scholars Currently Supervised: --------------------------------------- Lao Yizhi, MSc (Jul 1999 -- ) email: laoyz Topic: Agent-based Algorithm Inventory Routing Problem Ng Hoong Kee, MSc (Jan 2000 -- ) email: nghoong Topic: Fast Algorithms for Route-Based Spatial Proximity Search Jiang Shaoquan, PhD (Jul 2000 -- ) email: jiangsha Topic: Intelligent Dynamic Search for RADS Recently Graduated Students: ---------------------------- Foo Hee Meng, MSc Topic: The Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Berth Allocation Problem Ong Tat Wee, MSc Topic: A Graph Partitioning Algorithm for the Berth Allocation Problem