Leong Hon Wai, School of Computing, National University of Singapore


(RAS stands for Resource Allocation and Scheduling.)

The RAS-Group

Honours Year Students

Undergraduate Research Students (UROP)

Final Year Project Students -- -- 6 students from 2 teams

Industry Friends

About Our RAS Research

The RAS Group is currently working on an applied research project on large-scale resource allocation and scheduling (RAS) and other optimization problems from the transportation and logistics industries (such as container port, airport operations, trucking industries).

The aims of the project are to

To achieve these aims, the group is doing problem analysis and modelling, sourcing appropriate algorithmic research reseults (including designing new algorithms if necessary), fine tuning these techniques to suit the industrial problems.

In addition, to facilitate faster and more painless deployment of these algorithmic research results, the group is leverage on OO technology to encapsulated these techniques as a reusable software component library.

The current projects we are working on includes (i) the Berth Allocation Planning System for Container Transshipment Port and (ii) the Route Advisory System for Land Transportation.

Training Research Manpower in RAS

An important mission in our research is to train competent RSE's (research scientists and engineers) in the RAS area and have them suitably deployed in the right jobs in the industry.

Our research programme prepares RSE in theoretical and applied research in algorithms and data structures, optimization, operations research, and AI methods. At the same time, the programme also emphasize very the acquisition of marketable and modern software development skills including OO modelling, analysis and design, OO coding (in C++, Java), and design of reusable software components and frameworks.

The RSEs trained through our research programme can be deployed to institutions and companies doing R&D in RAS both in Singapore and abroad. These includes local research labs like KRDL (Transportation Group), PSA, DSO, CSO, CCS, CIAS, KE, ILOG, Clarity, and so on.

In addition, the research and software development experience gained through our research programme is fairly generic and is transferrable to many other areas in computing -- such as networking, data mining, network middleware development.

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