UIT2201: CS & the IT Revolution
Class Project (Fall 2003)

Emulation of "An Intelligent Appliance"
(Updated on 11-11-2003)

This is the official web-site for the Intelligent Appliance Project in the course.

  • About the Class Project

    Selection of Intelligent Appliance

    Development of IDEA-2 (Fall 2003)

    Word of Advice to all Teams

    All programming teams are adviced to
    1. first look through your assigned tasks,
    2. try out the features on the existing IDEA system,
    3. read about the changes that has to be made in IDEA2,
    4. then read up the report of past IDEA team(s) that did similar tasks,
    5. look at their code here (these will serve as your starting point),
    6. look up the relevant workflow to see how things should work,
    7. Plan your work accordingly.

    8. After completion, your team should email project work (soft copy) to me (with cc to the student assistants);
    9. If integration is necessary (for DBD, DBMS, GUI, F-Teams), work with student assistant to ensure successful integration,

    10. Complete report and mail soft copy to me.
    11. Hand in Hard Copy of Report to my office S16, 06-01 (SoC, NUS).
      If I am not in, put in envelope outside door, time stamp it.

    Documentations for IDEA-2 (Fall 2003)

    Project Deliverables...

    The deliverables for each project team consist of Grades will be given for both deliverable -- actual project and the report.

    For the project component, email soft copy to me and the student assistants for integration

    Project Deadline

    There are two deadlines: a soft one and a hard one: You can turn in your project anytime BEFORE the hard deadline.

    Reports turned in after the Soft deadline will have 1% deducted for each day that the report is late (after the Soft Deadline).

    Reports turned in after the HARD deadline will receive a grade of 0 for the report portion.

    Relevant Documents from Spring 2003 IDEA

    IDEA (Spring 2003)

    UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Fall 2003); A/P Leong HW

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