About the Class Project
Selection of Intelligent Appliance
- Suggested Appliances (from Class) ---
| here |
- Selected Project ---
- IDEA-2 : Enhancement to Intelligent Door
- Intelligent Home Appliance Showcase -- Multimedia Mockup
Development of IDEA-2 (Fall 2003)
Word of Advice to all Teams
All programming teams are adviced to
- first look through your assigned tasks,
- try out the features on the existing IDEA system,
- read about the changes that has to be made in IDEA2,
- then read up the
report of past IDEA team(s)
that did similar tasks,
- look at their code here (these
will serve as your starting point),
- look up the relevant workflow to
see how things should work,
- Plan your work accordingly.
- After completion, your team should email project work
(soft copy) to me (with cc to the student assistants);
- If integration is necessary (for DBD, DBMS, GUI, F-Teams),
work with student assistant to ensure successful integration,
- Complete report and mail soft copy to me.
- Hand in Hard Copy of Report to my office S16, 06-01 (SoC, NUS).
If I am not in, put in envelope outside door, time stamp it.
Documentations for IDEA-2 (Fall 2003)
- IDEA2 Feature List: --
- IDEA2 System Architecture: --
| browse directory |
- IDEA2 Architecture Overview --
| Fa2003-Architecture.txt | (updated!)
- Check out the constant.ini and IDEA2.ini files if you want.
- IDEA2 Workflows: --
| browse directory |
- A sample workflow ---
| here (txt) |
- A pictorial rep. of sample workflow ---
| here (Word) |
- More are coming...
- Database (IDEA2-DBMS): ---
| browse directory |
- GUI (IDEA2-GUI): ---
| browse directory |
- Changes to the GUI for IDEA2 --
| GUI changes needed | (coming soon)
- Check out past IDEA GUI report --
| here |
- Check out past IDEA GUI codes --
| here |
- Feature Engines (IDEA2-Features): ---
- Read carefully the IDEA2 Feature List
- Check out relevant past IDEA Feature report --
| here |
- Check out relevant past IDEA Feature codes --
| here |
- More coming soon....
- Sample Codes (IDEA2-SampleCode): ---
Project Deliverables...
The deliverables for each project team consist of
- the project components you are supposed to implement
(programs, databases, gui, manuals, showcases), and
- The Project Team Reports (organized like this).
Grades will be given for both deliverable -- actual project and the report.
For the project component, email soft copy to me and the student assistants
for integration
Project Deadline
There are two deadlines: a soft one and a hard one:
- Soft deadline: 14-Nov-2003 (Fri)
- ABSOLUTE HARD deadline: 27-Nov-2003 (Thu)).
You can turn in your project anytime BEFORE the hard deadline.
Reports turned in after the Soft deadline will have 1% deducted
for each day that the report is late (after the Soft Deadline).
Reports turned in after the HARD deadline will receive a grade of 0
for the report portion.
Relevant Documents from Spring 2003 IDEA
IDEA (Spring 2003)
UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Fall 2003); A/P Leong HW
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