UIT2201: CS & the IT Revolution
Class Software Project (Fall 2003)

Software Project Methodology

Project Development Methodology

There are several (possibly concurrent) phases involved in building a software emulation of the chosen "intelligent appliance" (IA).
  1. Coming up with the Concept

  2. System Architecture Design

  3. Systems Design Design

  4. Feature Design, Implementation, Testing and Integration

  5. Documentation, Installation and Deployment

  6. Infrastructure Mgmt -- (provided by SoC)

We give some rough description of the different project tasks as outlined above.

Requirements Gathering

The task of requirements gathering is to brainstorm the various features that we would like to have in the chosen intelligent appliance (called IA here). This is sometimes known as the "wish list" which usually contain too many features that can be feasibly implemented. From the wish list, we prioritize and sift out the "feature list" which represents the features chosen for actual implementation.

Software Architecture Design

This task is to design a system architecture for the IA that will best allow a team of novice programmers to contribute to the project without the need to know all the details of the system.

Architecture design includes the decomposition of the system into subsystems/components (including DBMS, GUI, controllers, feature modules, etc).

It will also include the implementation of the main components of this system together with providing sample codes/templates for working with different parts of the systems.

Writing Detailed Use Cases

This task is to take each feature/requirement in the feature list and work through the use cases (workflow) for implementing the feature. From these, we should get the data requirements as well as the functional (module) requirements of the system/subsystem. As part of this is also the specification of test cases for complete testing of the feature.

High Level Design and Integration

From the use cases (& data and module requirements), this task is to write up the module specifications (including the API's -- input/output requirements). These includes modules that deals with the GUI, databases. The modules are to be separately (and independently) developed, tested and integrated into the system when ready.

GUI Design and Implementation

This task is to design and implement all various screens for the GUI of the IA system. The GUI teams will need to know the possible responses and forms required for the various sub-systems.

DBMS Design and Implementation

This task is to design the database schema, including the tables, the fields to be added in and also implement the interfaces needed to access and to edit the various databases (either online or "offline").

An important part of this task is also the job of coordinating and entry of test data for testing out the various functionality of the system.

Feature Design, Implementation, and Test

The task here is to implement the various modules that are needed to support the implementation of the features in the feature list. The API's for each module will be given to you --- however, some detailed design may still be needed in the implementation of the module --- including working with the databases (and may also require changes/additions to the databases). Many teams will be required to implement the many features -- however, each team will be able to operate independently to test their results separately. Their result will only be integrated after they have been independently tested.

User Manual and Training Notes

This task is to write up a state-of-the-art user manual for users of the system. Another task is to prepare training notes for training novice users of the system. Both the user manual and the training notes should cover all aspects and features of the system.

Team Assignments:

Based on the project methodology above, the students will be divided into teams to undertake different parts of the project. Some of the tasks require more manpower than others and so more teams will be assigned. These will be decided later. Students with more experience will be paired with those with less experience to enhance student learning and teaching experiences.

UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Fall 2003); A/P Leong HW