USST01: CS & the IT Revolution
Class Project (Spring 2002) -- The Wish List
We track information about peoples' likes and dislikes,
preferences and choices on different
things (activities to do, places to go, hobbies to try out,
or other fun stuff) and
the system then try to match people and suggest places to go
and things to do.
Wish List Discussion (08-Feb-2002)
Tutorial Group 1: 19 people -- divided into three groups
Group 1: (feature wish-list missing!)
Group 2:
- Criteria for Personality Match:-
- Age; Religion/Race; Marital Status
- Qualifications/Education/Occuptation(Exact);
- Hobbies(interest boxes);
- Personality Type 1. Introvert/Extrovert, 2. Morning/Afternoon/Night Person
- Available Time Slots (detailed);
- Any exceptional talents/qualities
- For Admin Purposes:-
- Address, Tel-#, HP-#, IC-#, email, Photo
- Links to
- Home Page of Personality Match Company
- Event Organization Companies
- Clubs/Pubs
- Cineplexes
- Entertainment
- Places to be
- Online Forum / Chat Rooms
- Online RSVP for Entertainment
How to go About Doing this?
- Registration/Fill in Form
- Personality Match by Hobbies
- Autosend mass email
- Meet in an assigned chat room
- Private SMS (minus caller-id)
- Feedback/Survey Forms for evaluation of service
Group 3:
- Requirements Gathering: age, educational level, interests,...
- Choice of making friends/finding partners/etc
- Online System
- Chat Rooms / Message Boards
- Registration (members vs non-members)
- Criteria Search
- Internet SMS Server
- Recommendation of Places to go --> Internet match
- E-mail
- Gift delivery Services / Electronic Greeting Cards
- Links to Shows
- Games
- Horoscopes/Personality Tests
- Matching Groups --> Matching Couples
- Organize Activities: --> Online registration
- Question and Answer: Aunt Aggie
- Browse Personal Profile DB
- ???Wedding???
Tutorial Group 2: 10 people -- divided into two groups
Group 1:
Kasthuri, Reeta, Jasmin,
- Separate Document here --
Group 2:
Loh Chih Hui, LiZhen,
- Separate Document here --
USST01: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2002); A/P Leong HW