T5-D1: (Linear Time Complexity) -- DIY.
They are all Θ(n). (Where are the dominant operations?)
T5-D2: -- DIY.
This is Θ(m).
Dominant Operation: (comparing pair of elements R[k] and S[k]) total of m times.
T5-D3: [Sequential Search vs Binary Search] -- DIY to fill up the table.
T5-D4: (Order of Growth of Functions) -- SOLUTION SKETCH
(a) The function 40000n vs 4n2.
(b) The function 40000n2 vs 4(2n).
Using Excel tables give better
insight to the rate of growth of the functions.
T5-Q2: (5 points) [Query Processing with Multiple Lists] -- SOLUTION SKETCH
Algorithm My-Query(Student-ID, Tel-No, Major, n); begin Print " Name Tel-No "; Print "====================================="; for k<--1 to n do if (Major[k] = "CSITR-Go") then Print Name[k], Tel-No[k]; endif; endfor Print "====================================="; end; |
Note: This is an example of a simply query processing
that take a linear time, Θ(n).
These types of operations are commonly done in Database Query.
T5-Q3: (10 points) [Algorithmic Problem Solving. Modified from 2013 Mid-Term]
1. Whenever you are asked to give an algorithm for a new problem, first give a description of your the key ideas of your method/algorithm. Describe the key steps, illustrating with relevant examples, where appropriate. 2. Why giving algorithms, you can freely quote algorithms that we have already given in the course (lectures, tutorials, textbook). There is no need to rewrite the algorithm. If you need to make small modifications of the algorithm, you can just describe the changes made. |
Idea behind the algorithm;
1. Find largest of P[1..n]; swap it to the end (with P[n]);
2. Find largest of P[1..(n-1)]; swap it to the end (with P[n-1]);
3. Return (P[n] + P[n-1])
Algorithm Find-Max-Pair(P, n); begin loc <- Find-Max (P, n); swap (A[loc], P[n]); loc <- Find-Max (P, n-1); swap (A[loc], P[n-1]); return ( P[n] + P[n-1] ); end; |
(b) (5 points) There are many different ways/algorithms to do this:
Algo 1: (Try All pairs) Try all different pairs A[j], A[k] (j not equal to k).
Idea behind the algorithm; Have two nested loops; S1: Outer-loop controlled by j, for j=1,2,3,...,n S2: Inner-loop controlled by k, for k=j+1,j+2,j+3,...,n S3: Check if (P[j] + P[k]) = TS) in inner loop!
Algorithm TryAllPairs-Target-Pair(P, n, TS): begin j <-- 1; while (j <= n) do k <-- j+1; (* initialize k here for each new value of j *) while (k <= n) do if (P[j] + P[k] = TS) then {return P[j], P[k]; Stop} endif; k <-- k+1; endwhile j <-- j+1; endwhile end; |
Algo 2: (Search partner)
We rewrite (P[j] + P[k] = TS) as (P[k] = TS - P[j]).
Then, if we want to use P[j], then must find its partner
(TS - P[j]) in the array P[1..n].
Idea behind the algorithm; S1: Have a loop for j, with j=1,2,3,...,n; S2: Find (TS - P[j]) in the array P[1..n];
Algorithm SearchPartner-Target-Pair(P, n, TS): j <-- 1; while (j <= n) do Diff = TS - P[j]; Loc <-- Seq-Search (P, n, Diff) (* Find partner in P[1..n] *) if (Loc not-equal-to -1) (* -1 means "not found") then return A[j], A[Loc]; Stop endif; j <-- j+1; endwhile end; |
Algo 3: (Faster search partner):
Sort the array P[1..n] first! Then can use FAST Binary-Search;
Idea behind the algorithm; A: Sort array P[1..n] (* use the fastest available *) B: Run Algo 2, but but replace Sequential-Search by Binary-Search;For A, use MergeSort(P,n) that runs in time Θ(n lg n);
Algo 4: (Fast sort, then use creative algorithm): [Don't worry if you don't fully understand.]
First use MergeSort to sort the array P[1..n]. (this takes Θ(n lg n).)
Once P[1..n] is sorted, we can get creative!
Idea behind the creative algorithm: Start with two pointers at two ends of array -- left=1, right=n; And we alway track the sum (P[left] + P[right]); if you increase left pointer, the sum (P[left] + P[right]) increases; if you decrease right pointer, the sum (P[left] + P[right]) decreases;
Algorithm TwoPointers-Target-Pair(P, n, TS): left <-- 1; right <-- n; while (left < right) do if (P[left] + P[right] = TS) then return P[left], P[right], STOP else if (P[left] + P[right] > TS) then right <-- right-1 (*decrease the sum *) else if (P[left] + P[right] < TS) then left <-- left+1 (*increase the sum *) endwhile end; |
T5-Q4: (10 points) [Time Complexity and How Fast They Grows]
(See this
page for the table.)